Sarah Pitcher-Hoffman can count herself as part of an elite club: teachers whose students have placed in the IWitness Video Challenge not once, not twice, but three times. Pitcher-Hoffman’s student Shayna Kantor won third place in the 2017 IWitness Video Challenge. Her student last year, Lanna Knoll, and three years ago, Ruby Merritt and Ayva Schiff, were all regional winners in the challenge.
/ Thursday, July 20, 2017
Marta describes the pain of giving up her beloved dog and how it led to giving up more, including her education.
clip / Thursday, July 20, 2017
A friend asked me whether I could help her with something. She knew I work with testimonies of Holocaust survivors in education and thought I could help her. We met over a coffee in a hipster place. There, she told me that her son suddenly started talking about Hitler. He talked about him all the time. Hitler and Nazis became a permanent conversation topic at their home, and she did not know what to do. “But he is too young for what I do,” I heard myself saying.
op-eds / Thursday, July 20, 2017
IWitness launched a new portal, Student Leaders, in June, dedicated to providing student leaders with testimony-based resources to help foster inclusivity and acceptance on college campuses.
iwitness / Thursday, July 20, 2017