While deployed in France, US armed forces liberator Jules Barrash remembers asking a French farm couple to cook him and a group of about 15 soldiers a dinner for Christmas in exchange for sea rations and food from the army.
clip, male, liberator, Jules Barrach, christmas / Monday, December 23, 2013
Harold Alexander fled Nazi controlled Germany to the United States and then joined the United States Army. He returned to Germany towards the end of WWII as an American soldier and met a Jewish woman who was still in hiding. He remembers helping the woman and her family by bringing them a truck full of food and connecting them to family in the United States.
clip, male, jewish survivor, liberator, aid giver, Germany, harold alexander / Monday, December 23, 2013
Recalling his time held in different concentration camps where he met several inhabitants who were not Jewish, Simon Wiesenthal addresses the need to provide a united front in fighting against another recurrence.
clip, jewish survivor, Wiesenthal, male, nazism, national socialism / Monday, December 23, 2013
Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat helped thousands of Jews flee to Japan by issuing them Japanese transit visas. Abraham Brumberg and his family were saved because of Sugihara’s brave efforts. Brumberg remembers the journey from Europe to Japan and recalls his first impression of the islands of Japan. 
clip, male, jewish survivor, japan, Abraham Brumberg, Chiune Sugihara / Monday, December 23, 2013
Esther Bem desires future generations to know there were some virtuous individuals during the Holocaust, who sacrificed their security and life, in order to help others.
clip, female, jewish survivor, esther bem, future message / Monday, December 23, 2013
Nora Snyder is a senior International Relations and Middle East studies double major and USC Shoah Foundation intern. She has worked as a research intern since her sophomore year, after attending the Problems Without Passports trip to Cambodia. She has also participated in the trip to Rwanda and recently became president of the Shoah Foundation Institute Student Association (SFISA).
/ Wednesday, December 18, 2013
2013. március 19-én a Szegedi Tudományegyetem JGYPK Alkalmazott Társadalomismereti Tanszéke, a Belvedere Meridionale (történelem és társadalomtudományok) szerkesztősége és Oral History munkacsoportja nevében Jancsák Csaba főiskolai adjunktus  meghívására Szőnyi Andrea, a USC Soá Alapítvány nemzetközi oktatási főtanácsadója és magyarországi képviselője A személyes emlékezet szerepe – Videó-interjúk az oktatásban címmel tartott előadást a Juhász Gyula Pedagógusképző Kar Dísztermében.
/ Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Margita Schwalbová opisuje, ako sa dostala ako dobrovolníčka do prvého transportu Židov z Bratislavy.
female, jewish survivor, clip / Monday, February 4, 2013
/ Monday, November 11, 2013
/ Friday, November 8, 2013
/ Sunday, December 1, 2013
/ Tuesday, December 10, 2013
/ Sunday, December 8, 2013
/ Friday, November 8, 2013
Aegis Trust Rwanda, The Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace, Radio La Benevolencija and USC Shoah Foundation - the Institute for Visual History and Education are joining forces to launch a peace-building and education program in Rwanda.
/ Monday, December 9, 2013
On staff since 2011, strategic communications manager Aaron Zarrow joined the organization for the first time in 1995 as a production assistant. In 1996 he became Associate Producer ofThe Last Days feature documentary. His later credits include Senior Year, a 13-part PBS series; Funny Old Guys, an HBO special presentation; Sir! No Sir! winner of the 2005 LA Film Festival Audience Award for Best Documentary; and Healed: Music, Medicine and Life with MS, a 2014 PBS documentary.
/ Wednesday, May 15, 2013
