Teachers learned how to use testimony in their classroom activities at the third Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program in Poland Nov. 9-14, 2014.
Teaching with Testimony / Friday, December 5, 2014
Elsa Breuer describes the discipline she had to adopt in order not to starve to death while interned in Auschwitz. Including saving food in the morning so she had something to nibble on throughout the day. This is the 19th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Elsa Breuer, camp hunger, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Lilly Cash remembers when she was caught stealing food in Auschwitz and how her sister, Esther, saved her life. This is the 20th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, jewish survivor, action, Lilly Cash, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Herman Gottesman describes the forced labor, living conditions and lack of food in Auschwitz-III. Auschwitz III-Monowitz, also called Buna, was located near the Polish town of Monowice and was the last of three Auschwitz camps established in the vicinity of Oswiecim. This is the 21st testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, male, jewish survivor, monowitz, Herman Gottesman, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Już po raz drugi w Centrum Edukacyjnym Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN, a po raz trzeci dla polskich edukatorów, w dniach 9-14 listopada 2014, odbył intensywny kurs  doskonalący p.t. „Nauczanie z użyciem relacji w XXI wieku” realizowany wspólnie przez USC Shoah Foundation Institute i Muzeum POLIN. Szkolenie było wyjątkowe również z tego powodu, że odbyło się 2 tygodnie po oficjalnym otwarciu Wystawy Stałej Muzeum, przedstawiającej 1000 lat obecności Żydów na ziemiach polskichi w czasie obchodów 20. rocznicy powstania USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Friday, December 5, 2014
Program by Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, USC Shoah Foundation and World Jewish Congress in partnership with Discovery Education
a70 / Friday, December 5, 2014