Over 100 students and teachers who participated in USC Shoah Foundation’s testimony-based art and writing project in Hungary this year came together last week for a closing celebration that honored the students’ achievements and showcased their thoughtful responses to testimony.
hungary, art, Andrea Szőnyi / Thursday, May 28, 2015
A USC Soá Alapítvány és a Zachor Alapítvány immár harmadik éve hirdetett művészeti pályázatot általános iskola felső tagozatán tanuló és középiskolás diákok számára. Idén január 27-e, az auschwitz-birkenaui láger felszabadulásának 70. évfordulója és a holokauszt nemzetközi emléknapja tiszteletére vártuk a pályaműveket.
/ Thursday, May 28, 2015
Dr. Bertram Schaffner, who served as a military psychiatrist during World War 2, recounts how he dealt with the military's anti-gay policy while evaluating draftees.
homosexual, male, rescuer, witness, gay, gay pride, tcv, clip, Bertram Schaffner / Thursday, May 28, 2015
100 Days to Inspire Respect Kitty Fischer recounts her time in Auschwitz-II Birkenau when as a young girl she encounters for the first time a gay male prisoner who will turn out to save her life.
jewish survivor, female, homosexual, rescue, auschwitz / Thursday, May 28, 2015
Thanks to the quick response of a homosexual prisoner at the Oranienburg-Heinkelwerke labor camp (a subcamp of Sachsenhausen), Douglas Fox escaped from a line of transferred prisoners who were unknowingly being given a lethal injection upon their arrival.
jewish survivor, male, Sachsenhausen, oranienburg, homosexual / Thursday, May 28, 2015
Tibor Pivko remembers when the Nazis destroyed the Czechoslovakian town of Lidice in retaliation for the assassination of high ranking Nazi Reinhard Heydrich, by Czech and British resistance soldiers.
clip, jewish survivor, Tibor Pivko, male, Reinhard Heydrich assassination / Thursday, May 28, 2015