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USC Shoah Foundation has published two Polish-language lessons about the Holocaust, complete with clips from the Visual History Archive, on the USC Shoah Foundation website. They are available for free to educators around the world.
lesson, education, polish, poland, Martin Smok, high school, visual history archive / Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Clara Isaacman (née Heller) was born in Borsa, Romania, before WWII. Due to rampant anti-Semitism, her family left Romania and moved to Antwerp, Belgium inthe late 1920s, when Clara was a child. Clara’s father, Shalom, was in the diamond business and owned a soda factory. Clara attended a Hebrew school and a publicschool in Antwerp.
female, jewish survivor, clip, unesco / Thursday, January 23, 2014
This downloadable video contains clips from testimonies of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive who were born and grew up in the Polish city of Oświęcim, now infamous as the location of Auschwitz camp system created there by the occupying Nazi German administration.
auschwitz, clip reel, prewar / Thursday, January 23, 2014
Clara Isaacman (née Heller) est née à Borsa, en Roumanie, avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa famille quitte la Roumanie à cause de l’antisémitisme rampant et rejoint Anvers (Belgique) à la fin des années 1920, alors que Clara n’est encore qu’une enfant. Le père de Clara, Shalom, est diamantaire et possède une fabrique de soude. Clara fréquente une école hébraïque et une école publique à Anvers.
/ Sunday, January 26, 2014
Paul Engel was born into a middle-class Jewish family on May 4, 1922 in Vienna, Austria. He had a younger brother, Robert. When World War I broke out in 1914, his father, Eduard, was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army. Captured as a prisoner of war, he spent six years in Siberia working in a coal mine, finally reuniting with his family in 1920. In Vienna, Eduard owned a perfume wholesale business. Before the war, Paul attended a primary school and was accepted to a Gymnasium in the 14th district of Vienna.
male, jewish survivor, clip, Shanghai, unesco, leaving home / Thursday, January 23, 2014
Located northwest of Drohobycz in the Lwów voivoship in Poland (after the war Drogobych, Ukraine), the Bronica Forest was the site of massacres of the local Jewish population by the Nazis in 1942 -1943. The Jews were taken from the Drohobycz ghetto to the Bronica forest to be killed until the closing of the ghetto in June 1943.
Nearly 11,000 Jews were killed on that site, including Al’fred Shraer’s mother and maternal grandfather. He speaks in Ukrainian about the history of the monument standing on the site and explains how the executions took place.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Ukraine, Al’fred Shraer, Bronica Forest Massacres / Thursday, January 30, 2014
Bella Arnett (née Froman) was born on September 6, 1917 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland). She had three brothers and two sisters. Bella’s father, Chaim,was a shoikhet, performing the ritual slaughter of animals according to Jewish tradition. He observed Ger Hasidism and was a respected member of the local community. Before the war, Bella attended a Polish school and received Jewish education at home.
clip, female, jewish survivor / Thursday, January 23, 2014
Bella Arnett (née Froman) voit le jour le 6 septembre 1917 à Varsovie (Empire russe, actuelle Pologne). Elle a trois frères et deux soeurs. Le père de Bella, Chaim, est un shoikhet - travaillant à l’abattage rituel des animaux selon la tradition juive. Il observe Ger Hasidism et est un membre respecté de la communauté locale. Avant la guerre, Bella fréquente une école polonaise et reçoit une éducation juive à la maison. Varsovie est envahie par les nazis en septembre 1939 ; une année plus tard, la famille
subtitled / Saturday, January 25, 2014
Paul Engel est né le 4 mai 1922 à Vienne (Autriche) dans une famille juive de la classe moyenne. Il a un jeune frère, Robert. Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914, son père, Eduard, est mobilisé dans l’armée austro-hongroise. Fait prisonnier de guerre, celui-ci passe six ans en Sibérie à travailler dans une mine de charbon, avant de retrouver sa famille en 1920. À Vienne, Eduard possède une magasin de parfums en gros. Avant la guerre, Paul fréquente une école primaire et entre au lycée du 14ème district de Vienne.
/ Sunday, January 26, 2014
Howard Cwick was born in the Bronx, New York, on August 25, 1923, to Samuel and Sarah Cwick, both Polish immigrants. Howard had an older sister, Sylvia. TheCwick family spoke both English and Yiddish, kept a kosher home, and attended synagogue three times a week. Howard went to school at P.S. 100 in the Bronx beforegoing on to Brooklyn Technical High School. When he was seven years old, Howard received his first camera and became interested in photography.
male, liberator, soldier, Buchenwald, clip, unesco / Thursday, January 23, 2014
Howard Cwick est né dans le Bronx, à New York (USA), le 25 août 1923, de Samuel et Sarah Cwick, tous deux immigrants polonais. Howard a une soeur aînée, Sylvia. La famille Cwick parle à la fois anglais et yiddish, garde leur maison casher, et se rend à la synagogue trois fois par semaine. Howard va à l’école à P.S. 100 dans le Bronx avant d’entrer au lycée technique de Brooklyn. À l’âge de 7 ans, Howard reçoit sa première caméra et se passionne de photographie.
/ Sunday, January 26, 2014