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Panama’s Jewish community is commemorating Yom HaShoah virtually this year with a week-long series of thematic Instagram posts that will integrate clips from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
In memory of the six million killed, Panama Friends of Yad Vashem coordinated a six-day campaign focused on survivor families in Panama, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and community commemorations of Yom HaShoah.
yom hashoah / Monday, April 20, 2020
In this talk, Mehmet Polatel (2019-2020 Center Junior Postdoctoral Research Fellow) explores the relationship between the Hamidian Massacres and the Armenian Genocide by tracing people and groups who were directly involved in both of these episodes as perpetrators and usurpers.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2020
“Continuity, Escalation, and Local Actors: The Hamidian Massacres and the Armenian Genocide”
Mehmet Polatel
2019-2020 Center Junior Postdoctoral Research Fellow
April 13, 2020
cagr / Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Wasy Mustafa Moshe speaks to USC Shoah Foundation from the Gawilan Refugee Camp in Iraq. Wasy, his wife and daughters all fled from their home in Syria and lived in a makeshift camp at a school, before arriving at Gawilan.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Shirin Mustafa speaks to USC Shoah Foundation after escaping from her home in Syria. Shirin and her family of seven are now internally displaced, living in a makeshift shelter in a school.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2020
53 year-old Salem Farhan Muhammad speaks to USC Shoah Foundation after fleeing from Syria, leaving behind his father. He and his remaining family are now living in the Bardarash Refugee Camp in Iraq.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2020
28 year-old Rozheen speaks to USC Shoah Foundation after fleeing Syria with her family. Rozheen, her husband, and their four kids are now living in the Bardarash refugee camp in Iraq, unsure of when, or if, they will be able to return home.
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2020
The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will feature full access to the public of the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive (VHA) of over 54,000 testimonies. One of the world’s leading Armenian Studies centers, NAASR advances education and scholarship through supporting and connecting scholars globally and providing outstanding programming to the general public. NAASR plans to conduct outreach with schools, colleges, libraries, and other institutions in order to spread awareness about the availability of the VHA at NAASR’s headquarters.
Armenian Genocide / Wednesday, April 22, 2020
My grandmother, Hana, taught me to be alone, to be able to sit in my space and observe all around. She taught me to describe what I see — the stacks of history books, cards sent from friends, photos of my family, vinyls stacked high, and the flowers from my last trip to the grocery store. She taught me to take an interest in the simple parts of life and to find symbolism and comfort in the mundane.
/ Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Videóinterjúk a 21. század oktatásában 2020
A Dél-Kaliforniai Egyetem (USC) Soá Alapítvány
nemzetközi oktatási programja Magyarországon
MOST jelentkezhet a magyarországi program kilencedik évfolyamára!
Jelentkezés az online jelentkezési lap kitöltésével!
Online képzés: június 22-26.
Online kurzus (önálló tanulás): június 27 – július 15.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. május 31.
/ Thursday, April 23, 2020
In this clip from the Armenian Film Foundation, Richard Ashton gives advice on what should bring us together.
"Mankind had gone through many tragedies that are hard to analyze, but maybe in all of these tragedies mankind will learn that the brotherhood of man surmounts national and religious boundaries and encompasses all human beings on the face of this planet."
homepage / Friday, April 24, 2020
Even though we are limited right now in our access to physical spaces, families, teachers, students, and community members from around the country can remotely experience the dynamic Horwitz-Wasserman Memorial Plaza located in Philadelphia with the support of the new IWalk app from USC Shoah Foundation
/ Friday, April 24, 2020
Join us as we explore the digital, testimony-based resources available through IWitness. These resources, designed for the 21st century virtual classroom, develop students' content knowledge, critical thinking and social-emotional aptitudes. Guided by IWitness experts and seasoned educators, K-12 teachers will explore our ready-to-use resources available for each grade level and learn best practices for meaningfully engaging their students in a digitial space with our testimony-based resources.
As a result of this no-cost webinar, educators will:
/ Sunday, April 26, 2020
Mindful Explorations, our newest testimony-based lessons, develop introspection and social-emotional capacities as they challenge students to reflect on the obstacles they may face, the goals they have for themselves and the relationships they aspire to have in their lives. This webinar will introduce participants to the suite of Mindful Explorations and present effective strategies for integrating them as part of the distance learning experience.
/ Sunday, April 26, 2020
Rachael Cerrotti is an award winning author, producer and documentary storyteller as well as the inaugural Storyteller in Residence for USC Shoah Foundation. She is the granddaughter behind 'We Share The Same Sky' and the host of 'The Memory Generation' podcast. Learn more at
/ Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Throughout the month of April, Genocide Awareness Month, we have been asking for you to send in your stories of home relating to different themes: spaces and places, family and resilience. We have received moving contributions from around the world — from Morocco to Argentina to Israel and the United States. We have received photographs and videos and beautiful pieces of writing and poetry -- family photographs from generations before and visions of life as it looks now. As we move into the last week of April, we want to share with you some of what you have so generously shared with us.
/ Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The USC Fisher Museum of Art will host a Facebook Live with artist David Kassan, whose portrait work of Holocaust survivors appeared in the 2019 exhibition Facing Survival: David Kassan. In this Facebook Live event, David will talk about his work with survivors and give us a live demonstration of his process.
Set a reminder for the event in Facebook
/ Thursday, April 30, 2020
Julie Gruenbaum Fax is a content strategist and writer for the USC Shoah Foundation. She was a senior writer and editor at the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles and has co-authored six personal history books. She is currently writing a book about her grandmother’s Holocaust experience.
/ Wednesday, April 8, 2020