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Making a Difference – One Voice and One Sandwich at a Time, was created by high school students Cassidy Stein and Ashlen Weddington. Students use IWitness to make personal connections to the voices in the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
student, Cassidy Stein, Ashlen Weddington / Monday, September 23, 2013
full, testimony / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
full, testimony / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Марія Юхимівна Максимова розповідає про те, як вчителька російської мови не дозволила їй брати участь в шкільній п’єсі через те, що Марія була циганкою. Вона пояснює, як це вплинуло на її відчуття етнічної ідентифікації в подальшому житті.
clip, female, jewish survivor / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Володимир Ілліч Митюк розповідає про те, як йому вдалось вийти з Славутського гетто у день розстрілу євреїв влітку 1942 року.
clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Regina Lewin remembers growing up in an orthodox family in Bedzin, Poland. She reflects on how religion was very important to her parents.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Regina Lewin, poland / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
full, testimony / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Aldo Brunacci nacque ad Assisi il 2 aprile 1914. Aldo era un giovane sacerdote durante la guerra, divenuto poi canonico della cattedrale di San Ruffino di Assisi. Aveva studiato a Roma, nell’ambiente delle organizzazioni giovanili cattoliche, dove l’atteggiamento nei confronti del regime fascista era talvolta molto critico. Tornato nella sua Assisi, assistette ai pestaggi degli oppositori al fascismo, alle violenze e agli arbitri, anche nei confronti dei giovani cattolici, di cui si occupava assiduamente.
full, testimony / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Vittorio Foa nacque a Torino il 18 settembre 1910 da una famiglia ebraica piemontese. Fu un politico, giornalista e scrittore, grande esponente del pensiero di sinistra. Si laureò in Giurisprudenza nel 1931 all'Università di Torino. Nel 1933 entrò in Giustizia e Libertà, movimento politico antifascista. Nel 1935, venne arrestato a Torino e condannato a 15 anni di reclusione per attività antifascista. Nel 1943 uscì dal carcere ed entrò nel Partito d’Azione (PdA), e fu poi rappresentante nel Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale (CLN), prendendo dunque parte alla Resistenza.
full, testimony / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Liliana racconta la marcia della morte nella quale è stata avviata a piedi attraverso la Germania dal gennaio all’aprile 1945 e la sua disperata voglia di vivere. Testimonia anche il tentativo da parte dei nazisti di far saltare il campo di Auschwitz-Birkenau prima dell’arrivo delle forze armate sovietiche.
clip, female, jewish survivor, portal / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Eugenio prima parla della sua grande amicizia con Primo Levi. Racconta poi i motivi delle sue scelte nell’impegno della lotta partigiana, la sua partecipazione in una formazione militare, la banda Arturo Verraz, che operava in una valle a lui ben nota, la valle di Cogne.
clip, male, jewish survivor, portal / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Ester insieme alla sua famiglia è rimasta nascosta per più di un anno in una stanzetta ricavata in un angolo del magazzino della fabbrica di famiglia. Qui racconta come questo luogo sia stato scelto e adattato da alcuni fidati operai.
clip, female, jewish survivor / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Don Aldo Brunacci racconta come dopo l’8 settembre 1943, il Vescovo Nicolini su invito della Santa Sede lo mise al corrente della necessità di dare assistenza ai perseguitati e in particolare agli ebrei,che stavano affluendo numerosi nella città di Assisi.
clip, rescuer, male, religious, clergy / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Elio Toaff racconta le atrocità dell’eccidio perpetrato dai soldati tedeschi contro civili inermi a S.Anna di Stazzema (Lucca) il 12 agosto 1944, essendo giunto sul luogo poco dopo la strage. Spiega anche come questa visione lo abbia spinto definitivamente a entrare nella Resistenza.
clip, male, jewish survivor, portal / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Vittorio Foa introduce una importante riflessione sulla specificità della Shoah. Il genocidio perpetrato dai nazisti è stato un prodotto della modernità, non un barbaro retaggio del passato. I progressi della scienza sono stati utilizzati non per migliorare la vita dell’uomo ma per produrre la morte.
clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
sv, student voices, reel, promo / Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Miriam Lichterman talks about the celebration of the Jewish Holiday, Simhat Torah, at her synagogue and at her home in prewar Warsaw, Poland. She remembers the cooking and especially the baked goods prepared by her mother for Simhat Torah following the observance of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.
clip, Miriam Lichterman, female, jewish survivor, Sukkot / Thursday, September 26, 2013
Régine Jacubert est née le 24 janvier 1920 à Zagorow (Pologne). La famille part pour la France en 1930 et s’installe à Nancy. Réfugiée à Bordeaux avec les siens en 1940, elle rentre seule à Nancy où elle travaille. Le reste de sa famille est arrêté et interné. A Nancy, elle échappe à la grande rafle du 19 juillet 1942 et passe clandestinement en zone Sud. A Lyon, où elle a trouvé un travail, elle entre dans le mouvement de résistance Combat, en janvier 1943. Arrêtée en juin 1944, elle est interrogée à la Gestapo, notamment par Klaus Barbie.
full, testimony, female, jewish survivor / Monday, September 30, 2013
Adolphe Kornman est né le 18 octobre 1927 à Paris. Il grandit dans le Marais. Il assiste à la rafle du Vélodrome d’Hiver en juillet 1942 et, en octobre, la famille trouve un passeur qui l’achemine en zone non occupée. Un temps réfugié avec son père en zone italienne, à Nice, il finit par quitter la ville quand celle-ci est envahie par les Allemands en septembre 1943. Grâce au réseau de la Sixième, Adolphe Kornman franchit la frontière suisse en mai 1944. Il y demeure quelques mois, dans différents camps, avant de rentrer en France, après la libération du territoire.
full, testimony, male, jewish survivor / Monday, September 30, 2013
Kurt Messerschmidt remembers reciting a challenging piece of Latin in the classroom making his Hebrew teacher and Non-Jewish teachers very proud and surprised.
clip, male, teacher, jewish survivor, Kurt Messerschmidt / Monday, September 30, 2013
Eva Hayman remembers when her family found out about the Kindertransport orchestrated by Sir Nicholas Winton. Eva and her sister were a part of the 669 children who were rescued by Winton from Czechoslovakia in 1939.
clip, female, Eva Hayman, jewish survivor, kindertransport, Nicholas Winton / Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Dutch rescuer and aid provider Jacobus Van Der Geest worked with the US armed forces as an interpreter and provided medical care to wounded American soldiers returning to the USA. Van Der Geest remembers helping a wounded soldier see the Statue of Liberty.
clip, male, aid provider, Jacobus Van Der Geest, America / Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Even after the Holocaust, other genocides and ethnic cleansings have occurred and still continue. Peter Wolfram reflects on the importance of tolerance to prevent such atrocities from happening, and so people around the world can one day live peacefully together.
clip, jewish survivor, male, Peter Wolfram, future message / Thursday, October 3, 2013
On October 5th 1938 German law required all Jewish passports to be stamped with a large and red letter “J,” for Jude, Jew in German.  M. Austein remembers having to exchange his Austrian passport for a German passport with the letter, “J.”
clip, male, jewish survivor, M Austein, Austria, Jewish passport / Friday, October 4, 2013
Livia Bitton-Jackson remembers arriving to Auschwitz as a young girl with her mother and an aunt. Before they entered the camp Livia was stopped by infamous SS physician Josef Mengele.
clip, female, Livia Bitton-Jackson, jewish survivor, auschwitz, Josef Mengele / Monday, October 7, 2013
In October 1943 the Danish underground helped transport over 7,000 Danish Jews to Sweden. Esther Chalupovitsch remembers the night her family escaped Nazi controlled Denmark on a fishing boat to Sweden.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Denmark, sweden, Esther Chalupovitsch / Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Anita Hirsch recalls when an aid worker helped her escape the Brzesko ghetto in Poland. Anita remembers hiding from the Gestapo who knew that she had escaped.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Anita Hirsch, Brzesko ghetto / Wednesday, October 9, 2013
In October 1941 the Nazi’s started to transport Jews from Vienna to ghettos in Easter Europe. Regine Cohen remembers when she and her family were deported from their home in Vienna to a ghetto.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Regine Cohen, Vienna / Thursday, October 10, 2013
Abraham Bomba remembers arriving to the Treblinka extermination camp and the selection process for the gas chambers.
clip, jewish survivor, male, Abraham Bomba, treblinka, gas chamber / Friday, October 11, 2013
Thomas Blatt remembers his participation in the uprising that took place in the Sobibor death camp in Poland on October 14, 1943, and relates it was led by camp prisoners, Aleksandr (Sasha) Pechersky and Leon Feldhendler. He describes the mass escape of the camp prisoners as a result of the uprising.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Thomas Blatt, sobibor / Friday, October 11, 2013
