International Conference on Tolerance

The USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute and the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education are co-sponsoring a conference, Religious Tolerance and Intolerance from the Inquisition to the Present.  The conference is open to the public.


Free with reservation.  To reserve a space, contact Melissa McNear at (213) 740-6724, or by email at


April 3, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM, and April 4, 9:00 AM–5:00 PM


USC Davidson Executive Conference Center
3415 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California  90089-0871

Day 1 Schedule

9:00 AM:  Coffee

9:30 AM:  Welcome:  Douglas Greenberg, University of Southern California

Keynote Address

Introduction:  Peter C. Mancall, University of Southern California

Benjamin Kaplan, University College London

"A Tale of Two Churches"

11:00 AM–12:00 PM:  Tolerance and Intolerance in Theory and Practice

Chair:  Donald Miller, University of Southern California

Alison Dundes Renteln, University of Southern California

"The Meaning of Toleration in Comparative Political Theory and the Implications for Public Policy"

Evan Haefeli, Columbia University

"Tolerance and Intolerance?  European Relations to Religious Difference, c. 1400-1800"

12:00 PM–1:30 PM:  Lunch

1:30–2:30 PM:  Jews and Other Europeans

Chair:  Paul Lerner, University of Southern California

Howard Lupovitch, Colby College

"From Eden to Hell:  Hungarian Jewry’s Meteoric Fall"

Jonathan Elukin, Trinity College

"The Metaphorical Jew and the History of Tolerance"

2:30–3:00 PM:  Break

3:00–4:00 PM:  Catholics, Jews, and the State in Early Modern Europe

Chair:  Cynthia Herrup, University of Southern California

Iryna Vushko, Yale University

"Enligtenment, Bureaucracy, and the Jews:  The Case of Austrian Galicia, 1772-1809

Bruno Feitler, Early Modern Studies Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal de São Paulo

"The Search for a Pure Catholicism:  Anti-Jewish and Antisemitic Literature in the Early Modern Portuguese World"

4:00–5:00 PM:  Reception (Sponsored by the Center for Religion and Civic Culture)

Day 2 Schedule

9:00 AM:  Coffee

10:00–11:30 AM:  The Idea of Tolerance in the Early Modern Atlantic World

Chair:  Sarah Rivett, Washington University in St. Louis

John Coffey, University of Leicester

"Between Reformation and Enlightenment:  Or How Presbyterians Learned to Love Religious Liberty"

Owen Stanwood, Catholic University

"Another American Paradox:  Anti-Popery and Toleration in the Seventeenth Century"

11:30 AM–1:00 PM:  Lunch

1:00–2:00 PM:  Tolerance and Intolerance in the United States

Chair:  Richerd Fox, University of Southern California

Nathalie Caron, Université de Paris XII–Val de Marne

"Tolerating Intolerance:  The Case of the 'New' Atheism Movement in the United States "

Shawn Francis Peters, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Consigned to Mayhem":  The Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States during the World War II Era

2:00–2:30 PM:  Break

2:30–3:30 PM:  Tolerance and Intolerance in Bolivia and Russia

Chair:  Maria Elena Martinez, University of Southern California

Wolf Gruner, University of Southern California

"Unequal Brothers:  Indigenous People in the Republic Bolivia after the Independence of 1825"

Matthew P. Romaniello, University of Hawai’i at Manoa

“Religious Indifference in an Orthodox State?  Delineating Tolerance in Muscovite Russia”

3:30–5:00 PM:  Roundtable Discussion:  Tolerance and Intolerance in Historical Context

Douglas Greenberg and Peter C. Mancall, Moderators

5:00 PM:  Reception


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