National Training for Educators in Ukraine

Fri, 08/01/2008 - 12:00am

Nazustrich pam'iati (Spell Your Name)

Encountering Memory is a multimedia guide for educators of Ukrainian students ages 14 to 18 on the use of the film, Nazvy svoie im'ia (Spell Your Name), a documentary about the Holocaust in Ukraine.  The guide consists of 11 lessons that cover the history through the lens of issues raised in the film such as stereotypes, propaganda, totalitarianism, bystanders, and resistance.  Video testimonies of Holocaust survivors are integrated into each lesson of the guide, adding a new and personal perspective to historical events.

Encountering Memory Training in Ukraine

Encountering Memory training is a national program aimed at preparing approximately 3,000 educators throughout Ukraine to use the multimedia kit in the classroom.  The program began in October 2007, and by its completion in December 2008 reached 3,200 educators nationwide who, in turn, have introduced the kit to over 14,000 students.

Press and Related Articles

This teacher's guide and the events, training, and materials surrounding its use and distribution, are made possible by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.