New Hungarian-Language Lesson

"Drifting and Opposition - Human Fates in the Shoah"
As a result of partnership between the Shoah Foundation Institute at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and the Holocaust Memorial Center and the Education Research and Development Institute in Budapest, a Hungarian-language educational resource Sodródás és szembenállás - Sorsok a vészkorszakban (Drifting and Opposition-Human Fates in the Shoah) was developed by Peter Molnar, history teacher and high school assistant principal. The lesson containing excerpts of three testimonies-two survivors' and one rescuer's story-focuses on classroom discussions about personal dilemmas. This lesson is developed as the first part of a lesson series envisioned within the framework of the partnership.
Learn more about the educational program:
Go to the Sodródás és szembenállás - Sorsok a vészkorszakban lesson home page
Visit the Institute's Hungarian-language portal: