Musical Performances from the Archive
New Series of Clips Added to the Testimony Clip Viewer
The Institute has added a new series of clips on the topic of music to the Testimony Clip Viewer. The new series demonstrates the depth of the Institute's archive by revealing an area that is not usually thought of as playing a role during the Holocuast.
The collection of clips showcases the musical talents of several Holocaust survivors whose testimonies are in the archive. The clips include Victor Aitay playing on the violin, Klara Benjamin-Belkin on cello, Chaim Goldberger singing, Ruth Apfel on piano, and Henry Rosmarin on harmonica. The series will continue to expand with new clips of musical performances, so visitors are encouraged to come back regularly to discover more survivors sharing their gift for music.
Other topics found in the Testimony Clip Viewer range from life before and after World War 2, surviving in the ghettos and concentration camps, hiding, liberation and women's experiences during the Holocaust. Rwandan and Cambodian survivors also talk about the loss of family during genocide. See all of the clips in the Testimony Clip Viewer.