"London Calling": Czech online resource focuses on government-in-exile during WWII

Holocaust survivor testimony has made possible a Czech-language resource for education that illuminates the wartime history of the Czech government-in-exile.
"Volá Londýn" ("London Calling") uses the testimonies of Ota Ornest and Josef Schwarc - Červinka, two wartime employees of the BBC, to increase knowledge of Czechoslovakia's anti-Fascist government, which withdrew to London in 1940. The resource is organized by topics that include emigration experiences, the history of the BBC's Czech-language broadcasts, the bombing of London, and what happened to the government-in-exile after the war.
"London Calling" was developed by Marcel Mahdal, a graduate of the Institute's professional development program for teachers in Europe. It is available on the Czech modern history website managed by Pant o.s. View lesson (Czech language only)