Institute participates in IHRA Plenary Meetings in Berlin, Germany

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) held its semiannual Plenary meetings in Berlin, Germany from 11-14 June 2013 under the Canadian Chairmanship.
For four days this week, experts and policymakers from around the world representing 31 member countries, four observer countries, and six permanent observer organizations, met to discuss the Holocaust as a contemporary political issue.
IHRA Chair Dr. Mario Silva met with IHRA experts and governmental representatives to discuss a number of important issues, including advancement of a multi-year work plan, combating antisemitism and Holocaust denial, and expanding cooperation with permanent observer organizations.
The purpose of IHRA is to bring political and social leaders together to learn from the Holocaust for the benefit of citizens of member countries and the international public. IHRA and the Canadian Chairmanship look forward to further progress and concrete outcomes from the Berlin meetings.
Kim Simon, Managing Director of USC Shoah Foundation, a member of the U.S. Delegation attended the meetings as a member of the steering committee of the Communications Working Group.