Peace Over Violence to Honor USC Shoah Foundation at Humanitarian Awards on Friday

USC Shoah Foundation executive director Stephen Smith will accept Peace Over Violence’s Media Award on behalf of USC Shoah Foundation at the nonprofit’s annual Humanitarian Awards on Friday.

“USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education has been a beacon in the quest to preserve history through remembrance and storytelling,” Peace Over Violence said in a statement. “We are specifically recognizing their work to research and highlight sexual violence in genocide, and to ensure it is noted as a significant and substantial part of the testimonies collected, and the visual histories archive as a whole.”

Peace Over Violence, formerly the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women (LACAAW), is a Los Angeles-based nonprofit dedicated to intervention, prevention, education and advocacy for victims of abuse and violence. It offers a variety of educational programs and counseling services, and operates an emergency hotline.

The Humanitarian Awards honor the work of organizations and individuals who impact Peace Over Violence’s mission, the lives of survivors and the community in innovative, passionate and groundbreaking ways. USC Shoah Foundation will receive the evening’s Media Award.

This year’s ceremony at the Beverly Hills Hotel will be hosted by actor and comedian Patton Oswalt with a musical performance by Smithfield Bargain. Fashion retailer Fifth & Pacific Companies will receive the Verizon Wireless Hopeline Award, former Los Angeles city councilmember Jan Perry will receive the Public Service Award, musicians Carlos Santana and Salvador Santana will receive the Voice Over Violence Award, and insurance broker Keenan & Associates will receive the Education Award.

Tickets to the Humanitarian Awards begin at $250 and can be purchased at A reduced rate is available for students and nonprofit workers.

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