Teaching Fellow’s Course at Central European University Presented at Conference on Holocaust Education

Andrea Peto
The 5th International Conference on Holocaust Research has selected a course at Central European University, developed in part by Andrea Peto, 2013 Teaching Fellow at USC Shoah Foundation, as an exemplary and innovative educational project.

Peto created a seminar course called “Gendered Memory of the Holocaust” based on the Visual History Archive and IWitness along with Helga Dorner, lecturer at the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Edit Kovacs, PhD student in the Department of Gender Studies.

Students watch testimony in the Visual History Archive and create their own videos in IWitness on topics relating to gender and memory construction of the Holocaust. The course is partnered with another class of students at Smith College in Massachusetts. Several class periods are conducted via video conference, so the students at CEU and Smith can interact and hold discussions together.

Peto will present the course at the 5th International Conference on Holocaust Research, titled “Afterwards: An experiential history of the Holocaust 1945 – 1949.” It is co-hosted by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education, the European University of Flensburg and the Humboldt University of Berlin and will take place on January 25-26, 2015 in Berlin.

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