French Contest on Resistance and Deportation Incorporates Testimony for Fourth Year
The annual French National Contest on Resistance and Deportation (CNRD) includes an online exhibit of testimony clips curated by USC Shoah Foundation for the fourth year in a row.
The 2015-16 CNRD contest is now underway, with the theme “Resistance through art and literature.” CNRD calls on secondary students throughout France to create individual or group works of art or writing reflecting on themes of resistance and deportation in France during World War II. The national competition offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of certain fundamental aspects of the history of World War II and to reflect on the civic dimension of those events.
This is the fourth year USC Shoah Foundation has provided an exhibit of relevant testimony clips that students may use for research or incorporate into their projects. Each of the 14 clips is accompanied by a short description and biography. The testimony clips offer insights into creative activities in camps and in the ghettos, which helped, occasionally or more regularly, internees to resist morally.
The deadline for schools to submit entries to the contest is April 1, 2016.
In the past, over 30,000 students have entered the contest. The national winners are chosen by a jury, and the Minister of Education and Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs honor the winners at a special ceremony.