New on IWitness: Hungarian Clips and Download Tool
IWitness’s popular Watch page, which features curated testimony clips and accompanying educational materials, has added new content and features in response to user feedback.
First, IWitness users can now download any clip on the Watch page directly to their computer or other device. They can also download video projects made in IWitness using the WeVideo editor.
IWitness has added new content and features in response to user feedback.
The IWitness team added the download tool after feedback from users who wanted to be able to download and save testimony clips and video projects from IWitness and view them without an internet connection. Educators can now share them with their class without being online, and students can share their projects on social media, in college applications, other school projects, and more.
The Watch page also added 15 Hungarian language clips, some with English subtitles, for total of 19 Hungarian clips on the Watch page. These clips are useful for Hungary’s large community of IWitness users who need easily available clips in the Hungarian language. The biographical information accompanying each clip is also in Hungarian. The clips cover the topics anti-Semitism, ghetto, identity, perpetrators, resistance and rescuers.