Extended Deadlines for Two Fellowships at Center for Advanced Genocide Research

Faculty at universities around the world have three more weeks to apply for two fellowships at the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research.
The application deadlines for the 2016-2017 A.I. and Manet Schepps Teaching Fellowship at Texas A&M University and the 2016-2017 Teaching Fellowship have both been extended to August 31, 2016.
The A.I. and Manet Schepps Teaching Fellowship at Texas A&M University provides summer support for one member of the Texas A&M University faculty to integrate testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (VHA) into a new or existing course. The A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow will be invited to spend one week in residence at the Center during the summer of 2016 to collaborate with USC Shoah Foundation staff and researchers and receive specialized research assistance in preparing for his/her course. The fellow will be asked to present a lecture to the USC community about his/her research.
Following the fellowship course, the A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow will present a lecture hosted by the USC Shoah Foundation at Texas A&M University about his/her experience researching in the archive and using it in-class with students.
The Teaching Fellowship is only available to faculty and universities and colleges that subscribe to the Visual History Archive, either directly or through ProQuest. .It provides financial support and staff assistance to faculty members who wish to use the life-history testimonies in their courses. The fellowship is open to all disciplinary and methodological approaches.
Depending on funding, the awarded faculty will have the opportunity to spend some days in residence at the Center to collaborate with USC Shoah Foundation staff and researchers and receive specialized research assistance in preparing for their course. Final course syllabi will be posted to the Center’s website and in a quarterly digest. Faculty will also be expected to give a public presentation of their course experience at the end of the fellowship period.
To apply for either fellowship, applicants should send a cover letter, current CV and proposal (2-3 pages) by August 31, 2016, to cagr@usc.edu.
For further information about the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, please consult the Center website: cagr.usc.edu.