“100 Days to Inspire Respect” Week 4: Community
Every Friday, the following week’s 100 Days to Inspire Respect educational resources will be previewed.
The theme of the fourth week of “100 Days to Inspire Respect” is “Community.” Students will explore the topic through close reading of testimony, they will learn how culture helps to foster a sense of community, students will learn about the relationship of community and law enforcement, and explore the topic of marginalization and its impact.
On Monday, February 13, the IWitness Watch page will feature a new topic: Community. These testimony clips will focus on the role of community in promoting cultural continuity, fostering security and enabling growth and change.
A new Mini Quest called “Cultural Acts as Resilience during the Holocaust” will debut on Tuesday, February 14. The activity will explore the role of community in promoting cultural continuity & change and growth and will help students see that communities, while they may be different from one another, often have similar goals and aspirations for their members.
Wednesday, February 15th’s resource will be a Mini Lesson on “Holidays, Commemoration and Remembrance in Fostering Community. This short Mini Lesson will explore the role of holidays and other special days observed throughout the year and their role in fostering shared sense of community. The activity also explores the tensions around how it is decided what is important enough to remember and commemorate.
Educators can use an infographic “Building Community Through Testimony” on Thursday, February 16. This graphic organizer (students handout) can help their students to explore testimony to build cognitive skills and build community in their classrooms.
A Video Builder activity called “To Protect and Serve: Community and Policing,” will be released on Friday, February 17. This is a teacher-authored activity that explores the role of law enforcement in community and its relationship to community members.
The Community week will end with two Mini Lessons: “Kitty Fisher on Marginalization/Reading Skills” on Saturday and “Bullying” on Sunday.