Back to School with IWitness 2018: Part One of New Search Functionalities
In this series, we take a closer look at the new features and resources coming to IWitness in time for the 2017-2018 school year.
IWitness has implemented the first phase of its expansion of the IWitness website's search capabilities.
Previously, IWitness users were only able to use the website’s search function to search within the 2,224 full testimonies on the site. Now, their search queries will also return results from the more than 500 curated clips that live on the popular “Watch page.” They can also narrow their search result by language, experience group, and other filters.
Also, new helpful tips have been added to support the new user getting comfortable navigating the rich content available in the Full Testimonies, Reference Materials and Images search results.
In the coming months, search will be expanded further to enable IWitness users to search through all content on the site, including programs, news, partnerships, About and FAQs, and student work.