10 MORE Unique Facts about the Visual History Archive
The Visual History Archive contains 53,000 eyewitness testimonies to genocide and mass atrocities. What you might not know is that each testimony is indexed to the minute with over 62,000 keys words in the entire Archive. USC Shoah Foundation commemorates National Archives Month this November by participating in #AskAnArchivist Day on Thurs., Oct. 1, and sharing 10 more unique facts about the Visual History Archive.
- There are about 1,600 full length video testimonies viewable online via vhaonline.usc.edu Testimony videos are from survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, 1937 Nanjing Massacre in China, and the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi Genocide.
2. At the end of his testimony Jewish survivor and Danish comedian Victor Borge plays a lullaby on the piano. Borge’s entire testimony is available in the Visual History Archive Online.
Victor Borge was originally born in Copenhagen, but fled to Sweden once Nazis occupied Denmark during World War II. He managed to escape to the United States in 1940 on one of the last neutral ships leaving Europe. While in the U.S, Borge went on to become a famous comedian, conductor, and pianist. In this clip, he is playing a lullaby written by one of his father’s friends.

Robert Wagemann remembers being a physically handicapped child during World War II. Doctors often preferred euthanizing children with physical disabilities rather than keep them alive. Robert describes how his mother helped him escaped a facility, saving his life.

Sam Kadorian remembers the separation and killings of Armenian families during the 1915 genocide.
Three different video clips from Roman Kent's tesitmony including life before, during and after the Holocaust.