New Hungarian-Language IWitness Activity Pilot-Tested in Budapest

(Meszaros's students working on her new IWitness activity)
A graduate of USC Shoah Foundation’s teacher training programs in Hungary is constructing and pilot-testing the first-ever original Hungarian-language IWitness activity.
The working title of the activity is “Dörnhau - hidden artwork,” and it will be a video activity focusing on artwork created by prisoners of Dörnhau concentration camp in Germany. After watching testimony clips, students are asked to find other relevant clips and construct their own video in IWitness.
It was constructed by Monika Meszaros, a USC Shoah Foundation “Master Teacher” who has completed the Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program in Hungary. She teaches at Berzsenyi High School, which is a USC Shoah Foundation partner school in Budapest. Partner schools work with USC Shoah Foundation regional consultants to host teacher trainings on campus and pilot new IWitness activities and other testimony-based lessons.
Meszaros led her students in the activity and noted ways it could be improved. Overall, her students really enjoyed the activity and constructed interesting videos, she said. The activity will undergo further revision and edits before it is published in IWitness.