Call for Applications: 2017-2018 A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow Program at Texas A&M University

Call for Applications
A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow Program
Texas A&M University
Academic Year 2017-2018
Deadline Extended: April 30, 2017
The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research invites proposals for its 2017-2018 A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow Program that will provide support for one member of the Texas A&M University faculty to integrate testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (VHA) into a new or existing course. The fellowship is open to all disciplinary and methodological approaches and will be awarded on a competitive basis to the most interesting project
The USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive holds over 54,000 video testimonies of survivors and other eyewitnesses of the Holocaust, the Rwandan, Armenian, Cambodian, and Guatemalan genocides, and the Nanjing Massacre in China. The interviews were conducted in 41 languages and in 62 countries. They encompass the experiences not only of survivors in these contexts, but also of witnesses, liberators, aid providers, and war crimes trials participants. These interviews are life histories, and as such their subject matter includes the history and culture of the countries of the interviewees’ birth and their lives before, during and after genocide. More information about accessing the VHA at Texas A&M University is available at
Proposals will be judged according to the centrality of the VHA interviews to the course content. Preference will be given to classes that will be taught in the 2017-2018 academic year for existing courses and the 2018-2019 year for new course proposals.
The stipend will be awarded in the amount of $3,000 with an additional $500 for in-class materials related to the testimonies. The A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow will be invited to spend one week in residence at the Center to collaborate with USC Shoah Foundation staff and researchers and receive specialized research assistance in preparing for his/her course. Airfare and hotel for this visit will be paid by the Center. The fellow will be asked to present a lecture to the USC community about his/her research. Following the fellowship course, the A.I. and Manet Schepps Foundation Teaching Fellow will present a lecture hosted by the USC Shoah Foundation at Texas A&M University about his/her experience researching in the archive and using it in-class with students. Final course syllabi will be posted to the Center’s website.
To submit an application, please send a cover letter, current CV, and proposal (2-3 pages) by March 31, 2017 to
For further information about the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research, please consult our website: