“There your memory runs like a camera back”: Oral history in post-apartheid South Africa

The Institute invites you to a lecture by Dr. Sean Field, Director of the University of Cape Town’s Centre for Popular Memory, which documents the oral histories of refugees, victims of violence and displacement, and others who suffered under apartheid and its legacy. Dr. Field will evaluate the outcomes of various methodologies oral history researchers have used to preserve memories of apartheid; his lecture will take place this Thursday, November 15 at 6:00 pm, in the Ronald Tutor Campus Center, Room 227.
The Centre for Popular Memory’s more than 3,000 hours of video testimony have been featured in documentaries, radio programs, historical texts, and other works. In addition to serving as Director of the Centre for more than a decade, Dr. Field is a former Executive Councilman for the International Oral History Association and a founding member of the Oral History Association of South Africa.
Dr. Field is one of the Institute’s fall semester fellows. He will be at the Institute through November 29, conducting research in the Visual History Archive on Holocaust survivors’ prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences in South Africa.
“There your memory runs like a camera back: Legacies, emotions and oral history in post-apartheid South Africa”
Thursday, November 15, 6:00 pm
Ronald Tutor Campus Center, Room 227