IWitness at National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention

USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education will present its Web application IWitness, now in beta, at the 2012 National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. The convention will take place from November 15–18 at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

The Institute will spotlight IWitness in its presentation, titled “From Suffering to Social Change: The Power and Promise of Survivor Video Testimony in 21st Century Classrooms.” Geared toward middle school and high school teachers, the presentation will demonstrate how IWitness can make digital literacy development, online citizenship, and tolerance education part of every curriculum, all through the use of its unique content: more than 1,000 searchable, editable video interviews with survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust. The presentation will be led by Sherry Bard, Project Director, Educational Programs; Sheila Hansen, Senior Trainer/Content Specialist, Educational Programs; and Laura Dobrin, a graduate of the Institute's 2010 Master Teacher Program. November 16, 4:00 pm, Grand Ballroom, Room 115, Level One.

Throughout the convention, IWitness will also be presented within the context of Echoes and Reflections, a multimedia curriculum on the Holocaust developed in partnership by the Institute, the Anti-Defamation League, and Yad Vashem. Attendees are welcome to visit the Echoes and Reflections booth to demo IWitness and learn how it’s used in the curriculum. Booth #706, Exhibit Hall.

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