Budapest’s Daniel Berzsenyi High School Partners with USC Shoah Foundation

USC Shoah Foundation’s newest partner school is Daniel Berzsenyi High School in Budapest, Hungary.

As a partner school, Berzsenyi will receive teacher trainings from USC Shoah Foundation for its staff and other local educators on the methodology of teaching with testimony. The school has the opportunity to pilot any new educational resources developed by USC Shoah Foundation.

Berzsenyi will also organize its own local or regional trainings for educators, hosted by staff that have completed USC Shoah Foundation’s Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program. In Teaching with Testimony, educators develop their own lesson plans using testimony from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive. The Visual History Archive contains 52,000 testimonies of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, conducted in 57 countries in 33 languages.

A delegation from USC Shoah Foundation visited Daniel Berzsenyi High School last week during its mission through Hungary and Poland and observed a class that had watched testimony of Holocaust survivors, focusing on the topic of bystanders, from the Visual History Archive. USC Shoah Foundation executive director Stephen Smith wrote about the class’s lively, honest discussion on The Times of Israel.

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