Interns arrive from Kigali Genocide Memorial Center

Program will support the preservation and dissemination of Rwandan Tutsi genocide survivor and rescuer testimony

From mid-October through mid-December, four staff members from the Kigali Genocide Memorial Center (KGMC) will intern at the USC Shoah Foundation Institute.

Yves Kamuronsi, head of the Documentation Center of the KGMC, and three colleagues—Diogene Mwizerwa, Martin Niwenshuti, and Paul Rukesha—will study the Institute's indexing methodology and lend their expertise to the development of indexing terminology appropriate for the Rwandan Tutsi genocide experience.  They will also spend time learning about the technology being used to preserve the testimonies digitally.

The internship is part of a project that will result in the acquisition of 50 Rwandan Tutsi genocide survivor and rescuer testimonies that the KGMC collected between 2004 and 2011.  Once the KGMC has finished transcribing, translating, and subtitling these testimonies, the Institute will preserve digital copies in its Visual History Archive.  In addition, they will index the 50 testimonies using the Institute's system.  The Rwandan testimonies will also be integrated into IWitness, the Institute's new online application for teachers and students.

The interns will share their experiences at an upcoming panel discussion; visit the Institute’s Upcoming Events page soon for more information.


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