Dartmouth College Is a Visual History Archive Full Access Site

Dartmouth College is the latest university to gain full access to USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
The Visual History Archive contains nearly 52,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust, Rwandan Tutsi Genocide and Nanjing Massacre. The testimonies were conducted in 58 countries and 34 languages and comprise over 107,000 hours of video. Forty-nine museums and universities in 12 countries have full access to the Visual History Archive, and 195 sites in 33 countries have partial access.
Students, faculty and scholars at Dartmouth will be able to search and watch the testimonies in the Visual History Archive for research, coursework and more. The archive is fully indexed with keywords and names, allowing viewers to retrieve entire testimonies or search for specific sections within testimonies.
USC Shoah Foundation recently announced the Armenian Film Foundation’s handover of its digitized collection of 400 Armenian Genocide survivor testimonies, taken by the late filmmaker J. Michael Hagopian. The first batch of testimonies will be indexed in the Visual History Archive by April 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.