Italian Institute Joins Visual History Archive Access Sites

USC Shoah Foundation has granted the Istituto Centrale per i beni sonori ed audiovisivi headquarters in Rome full remote access to its Visual History Archive. The partnership establishes the 43rd access site for the Shoah Foundation around the globe—and the first in Italy.
The connection enabling Istituto Centrale visitors to view Shoah Foundation materials was inaugurated on June 7, 2013, and is made possible by the Internet2 broadband network. The Istituto Centrale held a special ceremony commemorating the event, featuring its director, Massimo Pistacchi, Shoah Foundation Managing Director Kim Simon, and notable historians and journalists.
The Istituto Centrale archives a wide range of recorded materials related to music, theatre, and Italian and international folklore. The collaboration is part of the Shoah Foundation’s dedication to making the Visual History Archive as widely available as possible to enhance education, scholarship, and research about the Holocaust and other genocides. To achieve this, the Shoah Foundation works with universities, museums, and other institutions to open new access points around the world. Other current access sites include locations in Germany, Israel, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and throughout the United States.