Gad Beck recalls how the Gentile women in Berlin, including his aunts, came en masse to Rosenstraße in order to protest for the release of the Jewish men detained by the Nazis for deportation to the concentration camps. Gad and his father were among the detainees arrested during the Fabrikaktion.
Rosenstrasse, Rosenstraße, résistance, Gad Beck, Fabrikaktion, male / Monday, June 15, 2015
Capping off months of preparation, study and travel, the first group of USC Shoah Foundation Junior Interns returned to the Institute’s office in May to present their final thoughts on their participation in Auschwitz: The Past is Present program.
past is present, junior interns, Paula Lebovics, Lesly Culp / Monday, June 15, 2015
Hearing that his lover, Manfred Lewin, has been taken with his family to a transit camp, Gad Beck makes the dangerous choice to go undercover as a Hitler Youth to break Manfred out.
Gad Beck, Manfred Lewin, rescue, male, jewish survivor, homepage / Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Martin Aaron reflects on the importance of sharing his experience of the Holocaust even though it is very difficult.
clip, male, jewish survivor, testimony, giving testimon, martin aaron / Monday, June 15, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation Executive Director Stephen Smith joined 25 educators and researchers from Israel and Europe for an expert seminar today on Holocaust education in the 21st century.
Stephen Smith, seminar, Israel, testimony, Holocaust education / Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Henry Joseph describes the Nazi occupation of Luxembourg and then the later deporations of Jews in 1941.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Henry Joseph, depotations, Luxembourg / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
June 20th is recognized by the United Nations as International Refugee Day to raise awareness of the plight of refugees around the world. Kizito Kalima, a survivor of the Rwandan Tutsi Genocide, remembers the makeshift refugee camp in the region shortly after the genocide.
clip, male, rwanda survivor, Kizito Kalima, refugee / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Rena Bernstein recalls life after liberation when her family migrated to Italy from Poland. Her father was a doctor at a polish orphanage and the family still experienced anti-Semitism.
clip, female, jewish survivor, rena bernstein, movement, post liberation, Italy, antiSemitism / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Daisy Biro describes life in Budapest during WWII and how grateful she is that her entire immediate family survived.
clip, female, jewish survivor, daisy biro, budapest, family, feelings / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Armenian Genocide survivor Siranoush Boyajian describes her family’s life before deportation, followed by the painful, frightening transition out of such a peaceful life.
clip, female, armenian survivor, boyajian siranoush / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Leo Abrami describes the atmosphere right before the Nazis invaded Paris in 1940. He also recalls an anti-Semitic experience as a child at summer camp before the Nazi occupation.
clip, male, jewish survivor, occupation of Paris, military invasion Leo Abrami, antiSemitism / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
For some educators social media may feel like the Wild West, but Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are quickly becoming the new frontier of Holocaust education.
kori street, aho, conference, social media / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Emma Heintz and Natalia Podstawka had watched many testimony clips in search of the perfect one to use for their IWitness Video Challenge project. When they found Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt talking about a receiving a smile from a stranger, they knew it was the one.
/ Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Margarete Weil recalls when her entire family was deported from Hamburg Germany to Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia in 1941.
clip, female, jewish survivor, deporation, Margarete Weil, Theresienstadt / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Rose Toren’s father told her to leave the family to go hide with a friend from school in Nazi occupied Poland. Rose recalls the night she fled to her friend’s house and evaded beatings by the Gestapo.  
clip, female, jewish survivor, rose toren, poland, hiding, aid providing, family / Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Lisa Farese is no stranger to encouraging her students to change the world.This was the ninth year the English language arts teacher at Douglas Middle School has assigned her students a project called iCan Change the World and her first time including the IWitness Video Challenge as a component of that project. And just like that, her students Natalia Podstawka and Emma Heintz won the 2015 national IWitness Video Challenge competition.
/ Friday, June 19, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation will staff a table at this year’s World Refugee Day in Los Angeles. The event will be held Thursday, June 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Plummer Park in West Hollywood.
refugee, World Refugee Day / Thursday, June 18, 2015
International Training Consultant Andrea Szönyi gave a presentation in Subotica, Serbia, as part of a conference hosted by the Hungarian Consulate in honor of the anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Subotica during the Holocaust.
hungary, serbia, Andrea Szőnyi / Friday, June 19, 2015
Szőnyi Andrea, a USC Soá Alapítvány nemzetközi oktatási főtanácsadója a szabadkai Városházán tartott előadást 2015. június 16-án, a Magyarország Szabadkai Főkonzulátusa által a szabadkai zsidóság deportálásának 71. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett “A múlt üzenetei – zsidó emlékek” című konferencán.
hungary, serbia, Andrea Szőnyi / Friday, June 19, 2015
Cameron Gupton joins the first cohort of IWitness Fellows passionate about IWitness and looking forward to learning new methods for teaching the Holocaust.Gupton has been teaching American History for two years and has worked in both traditional schools and early colleges, including Greene Early College High School in North Carolina. Gupton has been a Teach For America Corps Member, a Gilder Lehrman Seminar participant at Stanford University, and serves on numerous committees at the school level.
/ Monday, June 22, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research invites proposals for its 2016 International Conference: “A ‘Conflict’? Genocide and Resistance in Guatemala.”
international conference, Guatemala, cagr, wolf gruner / Monday, June 22, 2015
The USC Shoah Foundation-produced documentary will be available on all Showtime platforms; check your local listings for a complete schedule.
past is present, auschwitz, documentary, Schindler's List / Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Drawing on 25 years of experience investigating human rights violations and genocide in Guatemala, Dr. Sanford will discuss the theory and practice of forensic exhumations, victim identification, archival and testimonial research, and their interplay in legal processes and community desires for justice. She will explore the ways in which science, law, and justice complement and collide with one another as investigations move forward from the field to legal courts and the court of public opinion.
/ Tuesday, June 23, 2015
With the 2015 Ambassadors for Humanity Gala in Detroit less than three months away, USC Shoah Foundation is busy leading educational programs and outreach in Michigan.
detroit, michigan, Stephen Smith. mickey shapiro, gala, ambassadors for humanity, ford / Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The IWitness Summer Teaching Fellowship will provide an exciting and in-depth introduction to IWitness for Wesley Davidson.
/ Wednesday, June 24, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation ITS staff will join thousands of librarians and archivists at the 2015 American Library Association (ALA) Conference & Exhibition this weekend in San Francisco.
ala, its, doug ballman, visual history archive, conference / Thursday, June 25, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation began digitizing Holocaust testimony collections from Holocaust museums across North America last year as part of its Preserving the Legacy initiative. Ever since then, special staff members like Kadie Seitz have been hard at work indexing those thousands of testimonies in preparation for their integration into the Visual History Archive.
/ Friday, June 26, 2015
International training consultant Martin Šmok will talk about IWalks with Andrea Petö, former USC Shoah Foundation Teaching Fellow, at the "My Hero, Your Enemy" international conference in Czech Republic.
/ Friday, June 26, 2015
Leslie Wilson was a producer on “One Day in Auschwitz.”
/ Sunday, June 28, 2015
