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贝托尔德•卡兹谈到了一名当时负责为生活在上海虹口隔都的犹太人发放每月通行证的名叫合屋的日本官员,回忆起了合屋对隔都居民的粗暴施虐 。
/ Thursday, November 7, 2013
/ Thursday, November 7, 2013
/ Thursday, November 7, 2013
/ Thursday, November 7, 2013
IWitness teacher trainings have been held in countries all over the world; now, Rwanda can add itself to the list.
/ Thursday, November 7, 2013
Sigi Hart remembers the celebration of his Bar Mitzvah in the ruins of the burnt down synagogue his family attended in Berlin, Germany. He recalls it took place a few days following the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) in November 1938.
clip, jewish survivor, Sigi Hart, kristallnacht, male / Friday, November 8, 2013
In 1943, Don Shimazu, joined the US Army, like many other Japanese-American soldiers, to prove his loyalty to the United States. He participated in the liberation of the Dachau Concentration Camp as a member of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion organized as part of the 442nd Regimental Combat team. Don explains how this experience influenced his values and attitudes in his postwar life.
clip, male, liberator, veteran, Don Shimazu, dachau / Friday, November 8, 2013
Rosalie Franks first heard about Steven Spielberg’s foundation for interviewing Holocaust survivors from an article in the Palm Beach Post in the spring of 1994.
Nearly twenty years later, she says that article has transformed her life.
Franks, a former fourth grade teacher and television reporter, is a professor at Rhode Island’s Roger Williams University. After reading that article in the Palm Beach Post, she applied to be an interviewer and attended a training in New York that November.
/ Monday, November 11, 2013
In November 1938 a pogrom broke out throughout Germany and across the Sudetenland. Tom Tugend remembers hearing the mob and the breaking of glass outside his family’s home in Berlin during Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass.”
clip, jewish survivor, male, Tom Tugend, kristallnacht / Monday, November 11, 2013
Renowned Holocaust scholars Yehuda Bauer and Xu Xin discussed the past, present and future of Holocaust studies in a lively conversation moderated by USC Shoah Foundation executive director Stephen Smith on Thursday.
yehuda bauer, xu xin, Stephen Smith, lecture / Monday, November 11, 2013
Ann Monka was born in Lida a small town with a prosperous Jewish population in Poland. Ann and her mother were separated from her brother, sister and father after escaping the Lida Ghetto. Ann remembers when she and her mother hid in the Polish forests with the Bielski Partisans, while the rest of her family escaped deportations by jumping from the Nazi transport trains.
clip, female, jewish survivor, ann monka, poland / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation director of technology Anita Pace is spending the week in Rwanda to work with Kigali Genocide Memorial Center (KGMC) staff on the possibility of building KGMC its own Genocide Archive Center.
The center would be modeled after USC Shoah Foundation’s own Visual History Archive Center, which digitizes, preserves and stores its 52,000 audiovisual testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust and other genocides and provides access to the testimonies to institutions around the world.
visual history archive, technology / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
During its Week of Holocaust Remembrance, Stephen Smith and Pinchas Gutter helped the College of Saint Elizabeth not only honor the past, but also consider the future of Holocaust remembrance and education.
Stephen Smith, Pinchas Gutter, holocaust, education, new dimensions / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
opposition, lesson, clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
opposition, lesson, clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
opposition, lesson, clip, female, jewish survivor / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Magyarországon 2001 óta április 16-a a holokauszt magyarországi áldozatainak emléknapja. 1944-ben ezen a napon kezdődött meg a gettósítás Északkelet-Magyarországon és Kárpátalján. Az első gettókat a következő településeken hozták létre: Beregszász, Felsővisó, Huszt, Kassa, Kisvárda, Máramarossziget, Mátészalka, Munkács, Nagyszőllős, Nyíregyháza, Sátoraljaújhely, Técső, Ungvár.
/ Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Helen Freibrun decided to tell her story with the hope of preventing the Holocaust from happening again.
clip, survivor, female, helen freibrun, future message / Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The new Museum of the History of the Polish Jews in Warsaw is now offering educational programming for students that uses the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
museum, education, visual history archive, testimony / Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Bryan Kessler has made it his life’s mission to teach and memorialize the Holocaust.
/ Thursday, November 14, 2013
Norbert Bikales remembers the day he was excluded from attending a non-Jewish German school in Berlin, Germany, shortly after the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) in November 1938. He reflects on how this event changed his life.
clip, jewish survivor, male, Norbert Bikales, school / Thursday, November 14, 2013