When students learn about the Holocaust for the first time by watching testimony from the USC Shoah Foundation, Inna Gogina knows exactly how they feel. She, too, didn’t know about the Holocaust – until she began working for the USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Educators can now access three of USC Shoah Foundation’s Ukrainian-language lesson guides and modules for free on the USC Shoah Foundation website. Each lesson includes everything teachers need including testimony and film clips.
/ Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Arsene Nsabimana encourages people around the world to stop fighting with one another and be respectful of each other’s differences. Arsene also speaks on his decision to forgive his perpetrators and how forgiveness became a coping mechanism.
clip, male, tutsi survivor, Arsene Nsabimana, rwanda, Forgiveness / Tuesday, August 26, 2014