Arshag Dickranian had a happy childhood. The son of a wealthy Armenian merchant who worked in clothing manufacturing, Dickranian grew up in Adapazari, Turkey, home to around 20,000 Armenians. The diverse city was home to Greeks, Jews, and Turks as well as Armenians — all of whom peacefully coexisted.Then, when he was 10, everything changed. His family, and all the other Armenians in the city, were forced to travel through Turkey, toward Syria in what has now become known as the Armenian Genocide.
/ Friday, June 3, 2016
Rob Hadley, USC Shoah Foundation education consultant in the U.S., will lead an introductory IWitness workshop at the one-day seminar “Teaching and Learning About the Holocaust” Saturday, June 4, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
iwitness, workshop, seminar, apip, north carolina / Friday, June 3, 2016