Summer might be a break for students, but as an educator, I know teachers are busy enhancing their skills and knowledge to improve their curriculum and students’ overall experience in their classrooms. As you contemplate lesson plans for the upcoming year, will you be planning a unit or lesson about the Holocaust? Do you feel you have enough knowledge about the topic to teach it well? How will you introduce your students to that history and experiences? What readings and resources will you use? What approach will you take with this sensitive topic?
echoes and reflections, back to school, iwitness, backtoschoolwithIWitness, op-eds / Thursday, June 15, 2017
There are still spots available for educators to participate in the Holocaust Educators Network Summer Seminar on Holocaust education and social justice, to be held July 23-29, 2017.
/ Thursday, June 15, 2017
IWitness Video Challenge winner Alana Chandler gravitated toward the subject of identity in her project because she has always grappled with her own. Growing up Jewish and Japanese (and attending a Jewish middle school and Japanese Saturday school), Alana said she often felt torn between the two sides of her identity. At the middle school, kids joked about her Japanese heritage, and at Saturday school, kids expressed confusion about her religion.
/ Thursday, June 15, 2017