In this lecture from April 6, 2021, Florian Zabransky focuses on two sites of genocidal violence: namely ghettos created by the Germans in occupied Poland and the Soviet Union, and partisan warfare. In his research, Florian Zabransky seeks to excavate the particular intimate experience of male Jews and addresses the following questions: How is intimacy narrated in the oral history interviews? How were relationships negotiated in the ghettos and among the partisans? Which social dynamics, traditional gender roles, hierarchies and power relations become evident?
discussion, presentation, lecture, cagr / Tuesday, April 13, 2021
To announce the We Are The Tree of Life performing arts project, we are screening a short video that showcases some of the art created during the Holocaust and features Dr. Edith Eva Eger’s life story as a dancer.
GAM / Tuesday, April 13, 2021
This workshop invites middle and high school educators to learn best practices for teaching film with audiovisual testimony of survivors and witnesses of the Armenian Genocide using multimedia resources across IWitness to contextualize key themes and events addressed in the film The Promise.
GAM / Tuesday, April 13, 2021