March 08, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - March 08, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
Join us for #IWitnessChat on Wednesday March 8, 2017 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET to discuss how you teach with testimony to commemorate Genocide Awareness Month hosted by Facing History and Ourselves @FacingHistory.
“100 Days to Inspire Respect” Week 3: Civil & Human Rights
Fri, 02/03/2017 - 5:00pm
The third week of “100 Days to Inspire Respect” will continue the themes of February’s Black History Month to focus on the importance of defending civil rights and human rights in the United States and around the world.
The one-day training will introduce Detroit area educators to IWitness and strategies for using testimony in the classroom, including how to integrate testimony across the curriculum and how to create testimony-curriculum plans for their individual classrooms.
The one-day training will introduce Detroit area educators to IWitness and strategies for using testimony in the classroom, including how to integrate testimony across the curriculum and how to create testimony-curriculum plans for their individual classrooms.
February 08, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - February 08, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
Join us for #IWitnessChat on Wednesday Feb. 8, 2017 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET to discuss how you teach with testimony to increase your students' digital citizenship for upcoming Digital Learning Day.
Three Tips to Get Started with the IWitness Video Challenge
Wed, 01/25/2017 - 11:00am
As an educator you might be thinking how to get started with the IWitness Video Challenge. How do you encourage your students to make a difference? How do you incorporate video editing?
Well, we have the answers to these questions from actual IWitness educators.
Coinciding with Inauguration Day, USC Shoah Foundation debuts an initiative developed to quell some of the divides and intolerance exacerbated by the election. The 100 Days to Inspire Respect campaign starts today, its first week focusing on hate, and the power of storytelling and testimony in stopping it.
January 25, 2017 @ 4:00 pm - January 25, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
Join us for #IWitnessChat on Wednesday Jan. 25, 2017 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET to discuss how you teach with primary sources inluding testimony and diaries in your classroom. This chat will be hosted by 7th grade social studies educator Tracy Sockalosky. @tsocko
More Details on the ‘100 Days to Inspire Respect’ Initiative
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:46am
USC Shoah Foundation’s soon-to-launch IWitness initiative, called “100 Days to Inspire Respect,” provides teachers of civics, history, English and other subjects with 100 thought-provoking resources that tackle hate, racism, intolerance, xenophobia and more.