Yad Vashem’s Shani Lourie Visits USC Shoah Foundation
Shani Lourie of Yad Vashem visited USC Shoah Foundation Thursday in order to learn more about USC Shoah Foundation and its mission and to receive in-depth training on the principles and strategies for developing activities within IWitness.
Planning Workshops Underway in Rwanda for Rwanda Peace Education Program
USC Shoah Foundation’s director of research and documentation, Karen Jungb
Druhý ročník programu Svědectví pamětníků ve výuce pro 21. století
V pražském Centru vizuální historie Malach byl ve dnech 8. - 12. července úvodním seminářem zahájen druhý ročník programu Svědectví pamětníků ve výuce pro 21. století. Letos se kromě učitelů z celé ČR účastnili i pedagogové ze Slovenska.
Approaching the Tipping Point: Technology in Education
A conversation with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
Scholastic Partners with IWitness
Scholastic is joining forces with USC Shoah Foundation to promote IWitness and IWitness Video Challenge to teachers on its print and online platforms.
Lesson About Infamous Terezin Ghetto using VHA Testimony Now Available to Czech Teachers
The Jewish Museum in Prague has teamed with USC Shoah Foundation to provide a new testimony-based lesson plan for teachers in the Czech Republic. The lesson, “International Committee of the Red Cross and Terezín,” is about the Terezín ghetto and its use as a source of Nazi propaganda in a 1944 International Red Cross report.
For Third Time, USC Shoah Foundation Presents at CSU Long Beach’s Teacher Training Workshop
USC Shoah Foundation gave a presentation today about the use of survivor testimony and its educational website IWitness at California State University, Long Beach. The presentation was part of CSU Long Beach’s weeklong Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust. The workshop provides Holocaust curriculum development training for high school teachers.
Teaching with Testimony Enters Second Year in Czech Republic
USC Shoah Foundation recently convened its second Teaching with Testimony for the 21st Century seminar in the Czech Republic. Held July 8-12 at the Malach Center for Visual History in Prague, the program attracted educators from throughout the country and also from neighboring Slovakia.
Helen Fagin on Education in the Ghetto
Claudia Ramirez Wiedeman Joins as Educational Program Designer
Claudia Ramirez Wiedeman, PhD, has joined USC Shoah Foundation as Associate Director for Educational Technologies and Training. Her duties include strategic, content, and professional development related to the Institute’s flagship web-based educational tool, IWitness, which is designed to make the Visual History Archive accessible to educators and students around the world.