A Nanjing Massacre survivor's story lives on digitally
The survivor community for one of the worst war atrocities in modern history is dying. New technology will allow future generations to hear their stories.
The survivor community for one of the worst war atrocities in modern history is dying. New technology will allow future generations to hear their stories.
联络人:Josh Grossberg 213-740-6065
中国 南京 - 2017年12月13日 - 作为南京大屠杀80周年纪念活动的一部分,南加州大学犹太大屠杀基金会于国家公祭日当天在侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆揭幕首个汉语普通话“证言新维度”交互式幸存者证言。
这是 “证言新维度”项目在美国以外的首次永久性展示,以南京大屠杀幸存者夏淑琴老人为主角。她是本项目迄今为止唯一一位非纳粹犹太大屠杀幸存者的采访对象。
The University of Southern California Shoah Foundation, known for its work preserving genocide survivor testimonies, had embarked on a new project: interactive three-dimensional recordings of Holocaust survivors, to allow people to continue speaking to them long after they are gone. I wanted to know more.
The USC Shoah Foundation is using big data to recreate the experience of having a one-on-one conversation with someone who lived through the Holocaust.
To ensure the world that each of us won't forget the dark chapters of history, such as the Holocaust and World War II-related atrocities, a group of technology-savvy scholars and researchers is creating audio-visual accounts with survivors and witnesses.
The Illinois Holocaust Museum is using new technology to tell the stories of 13 Holocaust survivors, including 7 from Chicago. The technology takes first-hand survivor accounts to create interactive holograms, which allow for visitors to ask questions and get answers - long after the survivors have passed on.
As the Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This warning has quickly become a staple of history classes around the world, and is why it’s so important to acknowledge the wrongful actions of our past. However, reading about genocide and war in a history book isn’t quite as powerful as hearing it talked about by veterans and survivors.