#BeginsWithMe - Changing the world through testimony
If you’ve ever watched genocide survivor testimony from the Visual History Archive and it spurned you to wonder what you can do to help prevent acts of intolerance and inhumanity, USC Shoah Foundation has an opportunity for you this holiday season.
To observe Giving Tuesday, an annual day of philanthropy on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, USC Shoah Foundation again launched its social media campaign #BeginsWithMe.
On #GivingTuesday people around the world are participating in #BeginsWithMe, by donating online to support teaching with testimony around the world. And by sharing online how testimony inspires them to make a difference.
Below are some of the inspiring stories, photos and messages during #BeginsWithMe. Don’t forget to share how testimony inspires you.
It all begins with each one of us. The little changes we make in the world can really add up to a perceptible movement to create a climate that resists genocide and other forms of inhumanity around the globe. Participate in #BeginsWithMe and inspire your friends and followers to join you in supporting USC Shoah Foundation and helping to make the world a more tolerant place.