Teach with “The Promise” on IWitness

IWitness has gathered a variety of multimedia resources to help teachers teach and students learn about the new film The Promise, a historical fiction film that conveys a multi-perspective history of the Armenian Genocide.
As the plot of The Promise unfolds in the Ottoman Empire during 1914, on the brink of its entrance into the First World War and the Armenian Genocide, viewers discover the symbolic love between friends, family and one’s national identity. The Promise shares the story of Ottoman Armenian people and the brave men and women who risked their lives to help save them from complete annihilation.
The film stars Oscar Isaac, Christian Bale and Charlotte Le Bon and is directed by Terry George.
On IWitness, educators and students can access three activities that touch on topics raised by The Promise – “Hate and Its Consequences,” “Information Quest: The Armenian Genocide,” and “Racism: ‘Us vs. Them.’” Each activity uses testimony clips of Armenian Genocide survivors to teach about the concept and consequences of hate, the history of the Armenian Genocide, and attitudes that lead to racism.
The Promise landing page also includes a selection of curated testimony clips of Armenian Genocide survivors and witnesses. The clips cover diplomacy and aid, discrimination, and forced marches.
Educators can also download the official study guide for the movie and follow links to learn more about the Armenian Film Foundation, which recorded the over 300 interviews of Armenian Genocide survivors, witnesses and scholars that are now preserved in the Visual History Archive, and AGBU WebTalks, an online video series from the Armenian General Benevolent Union.