LA City Council honors Institute on Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day

On April 20, at Los Angeles City Hall, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, together with co-host Councilmember Eric Garcetti, recognized the USC Shoah Foundation Institute and the Armenian Film Foundation for working jointly to preserve memories of survivors and other witnesses of the Armenian Genocide.
The two organizations and nine Armenian-American community activists were honored at the LA City Council's annual Armenian Genocide commemoration. This year's presentation focused on the effort by the Institute and the Armenian Film Foundation to make the Foundation's collection of nearly 400 testimonies available in the Institute's Visual History Archive. The Institute and the Armenian Film Foundation are working together to raise funds to support this project. Learn more about the collection.
Managing Director Kim Simon and Director of Research and Documentation Karen Jungblut represented the Institute.
"This month of April is a time of reflection and commemoration of the Holocaust and the Cambodian genocides as well as the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda; and today, here, we acknowledge the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide," Simon said. "It is encouraging to know that through our work together, the voices, the stories, and the memories of the survivors and the victims will be preserved, in perpetuity."