The Canadian collections consist of 1,250 testimonies taken by nine organizations in Canada, the three biggest of which are the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, and McGill University.
canada, visual history archive / Thursday, September 29, 2016
Jewish survivor Peter Silverman recalls attempting to take a bag of potatoes to his starving family with his cousin. They were stopped by a policeman and two collaborators, but were able to escape. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, September 30, 2016
Benjamin Madley gave a public lecture at the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research focusing on his new book, “An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873."
cagr / Monday, October 31, 2016
Each year, USC Shoah Foundation welcomes a new intern from the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service to work at the Institute as an alternative to his compulsory military service. Just a few weeks ago, Austrian intern number 13 Andro Ofenheimer started his ten months at the Institute.
/ Friday, September 30, 2016
Jewish survivor Paul Landau was forced to work in a printshop within Sachsenhausen, and printed counterfeit documents and money for the Nazis. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Living Testimonies at McGill University collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, September 30, 2016
Jewish survivor Anna Czajezncky remembers her escape from Auschwitz while working in the fields outside the camp. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Ottawa Jewish Archives collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, September 30, 2016
The theme of this year’s broadcast is “The Will to Resist” and is live now through November 10, 2016.
comcast / Friday, September 30, 2016
The Center's 2016 International conference began Monday, September 12, with welcome remarks from Stephen Smith, and conference organizers Wolf Gruner (USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research) and Victoria Sanford (Lehman College, CUNY). After welcome remarks, Fredy Peccerelli from the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG) presented on “Guatemala: New Testimonies and the Guatemalan Genocide.”
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Bonnie Taub, Latin American Studies, UCLA
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Norma Chinchilla, Sociology, CSU Long Beach
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Keynote/Presentación: Rosalina Tuyuc, CONAVIGUA (Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala / National Association of Guatemalan Widows), Guatemala Roundtable/Mesa redonda: Sobrevivientes y refugiados del genocidio guatemalateco (Survivors and Refugees of the Guatemalan Genocide) Rosalina Tuyuc  Dr. Marvyn Perez (Los Angeles) Victoria Sanford (Moderator/Moderadora)
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Beatriz Cortez, Central American Studies, CSU Northridge
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Marjorie Becker, History and English, USC
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
Victoria Sanford, Lehman College, CUNY Wolf Gruner, USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research
presentation / Monday, October 3, 2016
/ Monday, October 3, 2016
Jewish survivor Ze’ev Weiszner shares his painful story of purposely injuring his leg so that he wouldn’t have to work anymore and instead be sent to a hospital. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre collection.
clip, Canadian / Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Jewish survivor Liselotte Ivry fondly remembers various Jewish holidays she would celebrate with her mother, and even talks about going to church with some of her non-Jewish friends. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre collection.
clip, Canadian / Tuesday, October 4, 2016
On Wednesday, October 5, USC Shoah Foundation will share best practices of using the Visual History Archive, host live conversations with our archivists and indexers; and give a demonstration of the new ProQuest search function.
visual history archive, visual history archive program, #askanarchivist, Ask an Archivist Day / Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Like many educators who use Echoes and Reflections to teach about the Holocaust, Koty Zelinka Cole first heard about the program through a colleague. Now, she is the one recommending it to other educators who are looking for resources to help them teach the Holocaust and World War II.
/ Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Chava Kwinta remembers the hidden messages that were exchanged from prisoners in Auschwitz with the Poles just outside of the camp. This was how people began to find out what was really happening inside of the camps. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives collection.
clip, Canadian / Wednesday, October 5, 2016
The Future of Storytelling Festival in New York City is including New Dimensions in Testimony as an example of emerging technology for telling meaningful, immersive stories.
ndt, New Dimensions in Testimony / Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Jewish survivor Lolly Samoch remembers how frightened she was when the Gestapo came to her home asking for her father. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre collection.
clip, Canadian / Thursday, October 6, 2016
Jiří Kocian started out using the Visual History Archive himself as a researcher. Now, he’s helping others discover testimony as the coordinator of the Malach Center for Visual History at Charles University in Prague.
/ Thursday, October 6, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation is opening its doors to University of Southern California students and families at Trojan Family Weekend October 6 and 7.
trojan family weekend / Thursday, October 6, 2016
Jewish survivor Edgar “Eddie” Lion remembers the brutal treatment of Jewish people by the Nazis before the war, and a particularly disturbing scene outside of his dormitory. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Concordia University Centre for Oral History collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, October 7, 2016
Jewish survivor Marcel Segal remembers the day his non-French Jewish friends and family were taken away on a train to a camp. This clip is from the Visual History Archive's Calgary Jewish Federation collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, October 7, 2016
Jewish survivor Renata Schondorf shares her very emotional story of how she barely escaped her fate while standing in line, waiting to go to the gas chambers. This clip is part of the Visal History Archive's Living Testimonies at McGill University collection.
clip, Canadian / Friday, October 7, 2016
Educators can register for a variety of free webinars throughout October and November that will provide an introduction to the resources and teaching strategies of Echoes and Reflections.
echoes and reflections / Friday, October 7, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Carol Wise, International Relations/Relaciones Internacionales, USC Sofía Duyos, Law, Madrid, España “Documentos del ejército y su trascendencia para comprender el genocidio Maya Ixil” (“Military Documents and Their Significance in Understanding the Genocide of the Ixil Mayans”) Sergio Palencia Frener, Anthropology/Sociology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
presentation / Friday, October 7, 2016
Chair/Moderadora: Susan Fitzpatrick-Behrens, Latin American Studies, CSU Northridge
presentation / Friday, October 7, 2016
