A USC Shoah Foundation exhibit and New York Times article remember that millions of people were murdered not in concentration camps, but in public sites all over Eastern Europe.
/ Friday, January 31, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation -- The Institute for Visual History and Education invites proposals for its 2014 Student Research Fellow program. The fellowship provides support during summer 2014 or one designated semester of the 2014-2015 academic year for USC undergraduate and graduate students interested in doing research at the Visual History Archive. 
research fellow, call for proposals / Tuesday, January 28, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education invites proposals for its 2014 Teaching Fellows program that will provide summer support for faculty at the Institute’s Visual History Archive access sites to integrate the Institute’s testimonies into new or existing courses. The faculty stipend program provides financial support and staff assistance to faculty members who wish to use the Institute’s life-history testimonies in their courses.  There are no restrictions with respect to the disciplinary approach or methodology of the proposed courses. 
teaching fellowship, teaching fellow, call for proposals / Tuesday, January 28, 2014
For the next two months, three staff members from Aegis Trust in Rwanda are getting in-depth training in indexing genocide survivor testimony right here at the USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sinti and Roma survivor Wellesina McCrary recalls when her family was arrested and deported to Auschwitz concentration camp.
clip, female, roma survivor, Wellesina McCrary, déportation, auschwitz / Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Scholars interested in developing college courses or conducting research using USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive are invited to apply for 2014-15 fellowships at USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Ten udostępniony do ściągnięcia plik video zawiera fragmenty relacji żydowskich ocalałych z Zagłady złożone w Archiwum Historii Wizualnej Instytutu Fundacji Shoah USC, którzy urodzili się i doratali w polskim mieście - Oświęcimiu, teraz niesławnym z powodu ulokowania w nim systemu obozowego Auschwitz, stworzonego przez okupujące Polskę  nazistowskie Niemcy.
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Istnienie miasta datuje się co najmniej na XII wiek. Po rozbiorach Polski w 1772 r., miasto zostało przyłączone do monarchii austro-węgierskiej i powróciło w granice państwa polskiego dopiero po II wojnie światowej. W tym czasie, Oświęcim stał się centrum przemysłowym i ważnym węzłem komunikacji kolejowej. Populacja ludności żydowskiej w 1921 r. wynosiła 4950 osób. Przed samym wybuchem II wojny światowej w mieście przebywało ok. 8000 Żydów, ponad połowa całej populacji. Oświęcim został natychmiast zajęty przez okupanta. W październiku 1939 r. został przyłączony do III rzeszy.
auschwitz / Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Эта видео подборка содержит отрывки из интервью с евреями, которые пережили Холокост. Они родились и выросли в польском городе Освенцим — городе, приобрёвшим мировую известность после того, как немецко-фашистскими оккупантами в нём была создана система концентрационных лагерей под названием Аушвиц, во время Второй мировой войны.  Интервью являются частью Архива визуальной истории фонда Шоа Университета Южной Калифорнии.
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Существование города восходит по крайней мере к 12-ому веку. После раздела Польши в 1772 году, город был присоединен к Австрийской империи Габсбургов, вернувшись к польской власти только после окончания Первой мировой войны. В течение этого времени, Освенцим стал промышленным центром и важным железнодорожным узлом. Еврейское население в 1921 году составляло 4950 человек. Накануне Второй мировой войны насчитывалось около 8000 евреев в городе, более половины всего населения. Освенцим был оккупирован сразу в начале Второй мировой войны. К октябрю 1939 года, он был присоединён к территории Третьего Рейха.
auschwitz / Wednesday, January 29, 2014
You don’t have to be in Paris to view UNESCO’s “Journeys Through the Holocaust” exhibit, curated by USC Shoah Foundation associate director of education – evaluation and scholarship Dr. Amy M Carnes. The entire exhibit is posted – in English and French – right here on the USC Shoah Foundation website.
unesco, holocaust, amy carnes / Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Questo video scaricabile contiene spezzoni delle testimonianze di sopravvissuti ebrei nati e cresciuti nella città polacca di Oświęcim, dove i nazisti tedeschi crearono l’infame sistema dei campi di Auschwitz.
/ Thursday, January 30, 2014
/ Thursday, January 30, 2014
L'esistenza della città risale al XII secolo. Dopo la spartizione della Polonia nel 1772, la città fu annessa all'impero asburgico austriaco, tornando al governo polacco solo dopo la prima guerra mondiale. Durante quel periodo, Oświęcim divenne un centro industriale e un importante nodo ferroviario. Popolazione ebraica nel 1921: 4.950. Alla vigilia della seconda guerra mondiale c'erano circa 8.000 ebrei in città, oltre metà della popolazione. Oświęcim fu occupata subito dopo l'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale. Nell'ottobre 1939 fu annessa Grande Germania.
auschwitz / Thursday, January 30, 2014
Located northwest of Drohobycz in the Lwów voivoship in Poland (after the war Drogobych, Ukraine), the Bronica Forest was the site of massacres of the local Jewish population by the Nazis in 1942 -1943. The Jews were taken from the Drohobycz ghetto to the Bronica forest to be killed until the closing of the ghetto in June 1943. Nearly 11,000 Jews were killed on that site, including Al’fred Shraer’s mother and maternal grandfather. He speaks in Ukrainian about the history of the monument standing on the site and explains how the executions took place.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Ukraine, Al’fred Shraer, Bronica Forest Massacres / Thursday, January 30, 2014
Summary: Free and open to the public, monthly Institute visits give guests a chance to explore the life stories of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides and to discover how their memories are being used to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry. Description:
/ Thursday, January 30, 2014
Summary: Free and open to the public, monthly Institute visits give guests a chance to explore the life stories of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides and to discover how their memories are being used to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry. Description:
/ Thursday, January 30, 2014
Students and educators have multiple opportunities to learn about USC Shoah Foundation and explore the Visual History Archive at Eötvos Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest over the next few weeks.
ELTE, budapest, hungary, teaching with testimony for the 21st century, educator, human rights education, Andrea Szőnyi / Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tento strihový film, ktorý si môžete stiahnuť do svojho počítača, obsahuje úryvky zo svedectiev pamätníkov holokaustu z archívu vizuálnej histórie USC Shoah Foundation. Všetci sa narodili v poľskom meste Osvienčim (Oświeçim), ktoré je dnes, žiaľ, známe predovšetkým kvôli systému koncentračných táborov  s názvom Auschwitz, ktorý v meste a okolí vybudovala nemecká nacistická okupačná správa.
/ Friday, January 31, 2014
Intern Fiona Guo was able to utilize her Chinese heritage and interest in intercultural communication while working on the new Nanjing Massacre testimony collection at USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Friday, January 31, 2014
/ Friday, January 31, 2014
História mesta siaha najmenej do 12. storočia. Po prvom delení Poľska v roku 1772 bolo mesto pripojené k habsburskému Rakúsku, k poľskej správe sa vrátilo až po skončení prvej svetovej vojny. Medzitým sa Osvienčim stal priemyselným centrom a dôležitou železničnou križovatkou. V roku 1921 malo mesto 4 950 židovských obyvateľov. V predvečer druhej svetovej vojny žilo v Osvienčime 8 000 židov, viac ako polovica populácie mesta. V októbri 1939 bolo mesto pripojené k Veľkonemeckej ríši.
auschwitz / Friday, January 31, 2014
Éste video descargable contiene clips de testimonios de sobrevivientes judíos del Holocausto del Archivo de Historia Visual de la Fundación Shoah de la USC que nacieron y se criaron en la ciudad polaca de Oświęcim, ahora infame como la ubicación del sistema de campos de Auschwitz creado allí por la ocupación nazi de la administración alemana.
/ Monday, February 3, 2014
/ Monday, February 3, 2014
La existencia de la ciudad se remonta al menos al siglo 12. Después de la partición de Polonia en 1772, la ciudad fué anexada al imperio austríaco de los Habsburgo, volviendo al gobierno polaco sólo después del final de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Durante ése tiempo, Oświęcim se convirtió en un centro industrial y un importante nudo ferroviario. La población judía en 1921 era 4.950. En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, había alrededor de 8.000 Judios en la ciudad, más de la mitad de toda la población . Oświęcim fué ocupado de inmediato al início de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En octubre de 1939, fué anexado en la Gran Alemania.
auschwitz / Monday, February 3, 2014
While protests rage in Ukraine, many Ukrainian teachers are committed to introducing new human rights educational materials to their classrooms. Olha Pedan Slyepukhina has taught middle- and high school history and social studies for 32 years in Ukraine. She was first introduced to the Shoah Foundation in 2007, participating in a teaching seminar called “Encountering Memory” about the film Spell Your Name, which was produced by the Shoah Foundation.
/ Monday, February 3, 2014
When a select group of eight high school students learn about the Holocaust and genocide each year as part of the Manovill Holocaust History Fellowship at Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ (JFCS) Holocaust Center in San Francisco, they turn to IWitness to create one of the biggest projects of the fellowship.
JFCS, Holocaust education, iwitness / Monday, February 3, 2014
Ruth Windmuller describes boarding the ship St. Louis, the German ship carrying Jewish refugees who were not permitted to disembark in Cuba upon their arrival on May 27, 1939. The refugees were returned to Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, and many were killed during the Holocaust.
clip, female, jewish survivor, st louis, Ruth Windmuller, ship, ship st louis / Tuesday, February 4, 2014
