Gustavo Seelenberger reflects on the aftermath of his experience during the war and what he went through during those years from a spiritual perspective.
subtitled, jewish survivor, chilean exhibit / Tuesday, April 10, 2018
In this clip from her testimony, Jamalida Begum describes how Myanmar authorities murdered her interpreter and pursued her in retaliation for her speaking with UN representatives and the press about her plight.
subtitled, Rohingya, clip / Wednesday, April 11, 2018
A public lecture by Samuel Kassow (Trinity College).
cagr, GAM / Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Through their testimonies on the Visual History Archive and The 1939 Society websites, Holocaust survivors and rescuers have inspired middle and high school students from across the nation and eight countries outside of the United States to become “Messengers of Memory,” the theme of this year’s Annual Holocaust Art and Writing Contest sponsored by Chapman University and The 1939 Society.
Holocaust survivors, Chapman University, contest, The 1939 Society / Thursday, April 12, 2018
Sedda Antekelian and Manuk Avedikyan will talk about IWitness, an online education resource developed by USC Shoah Foundation, that provides access to eyewitness testimonies of the Armenian genocide and classroom activities for educators.
GAM, Armenian Genocide, iwitness / Thursday, April 12, 2018
This is footage from Aaron Elster's testimony for the New Dimensions in Testimony project. He was one of the Institute's earliest interviewees. In this clip, Aaron Elster gives a message to future generations.
clip / Friday, April 13, 2018
Born Nachman Aaron Elster in 1933, in Poland, Elster escaped persecution and came to the United States in June of 1947. There, he gained an education in Chicago, served in the armed forces during the Korean War, married and had children. To remain in touch with his heritage and to spread awareness about his experiences and lessons learned from the Holocaust, he served as vice president and gave regular talks at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center.
DiT / Friday, April 13, 2018
When USC Shoah Foundation’s Manuk Avedikyan was researching the Institute’s new oral-history collection of Armenian Genocide survivors, something unusual caught his eye.
GAM / Friday, April 13, 2018
On April 17, 1975, the city of Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge, triggering a four-year genocide. In commemoration, USC Shoah Foundation is spotlighting its Cambodia-based learning activities for high school students.
GAM / Monday, April 16, 2018
A handful of witnesses in the genocide trial against former Guatemalan dictator Efraín Ríos Montt appear in Pamela Yates’ film “500 Years,” but her cameras captured the entire proceeding. The case is considered a landmark in human rights law.
GAM / Tuesday, April 17, 2018
To mark the 75th anniversary of the revolt, USC Shoah Foundation is sharing the story of the recently departed Sol Liber. One of the last living fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising until his passing last month, Liber was also among USC Shoah Foundation’s first interviewees.
GAM / Wednesday, April 18, 2018
In this clip from her 2017 testimony, Anneliese recalls telling her grandchildren how antisemitic vandalism is now a crime. In her youth during the Nazi regime, such violence was condoned by the state.
clip / Thursday, April 19, 2018
The former goaltender for a well-known Rwandan team literally owes his life to soccer. Now he uses soccer to promote tolerance and unity. This year, he was recognized by Queen Elizabeth.
GAM / Monday, April 23, 2018
/ Monday, April 23, 2018
In my role as part of USC Shoah Foundation’s Education Department, I have the honor of working with our team members both in the United States and around the world to create localized educational content using genocide survivor testimony. As a former classroom teacher and a lifelong believer in the importance of experiential learning, I was fortunate to take part in three IWalks in Budapest, Hungary, Prague, Czechia, and Warsaw, Poland while on a recent vacation.
op-eds, iwitness, iwalk / Monday, April 23, 2018
Although the Armenian Genocide is recognized in states and cities across the country, the issue remains unresolved on the national level. During a talk on April 19, Julien Zarifian outlined several reasons why the issue remains thorny in Washington D.C., more than 100 years after the genocide that left more than 1 million Armenians slaughtered.
GAM, Armenian Genocide / Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Christopher Browning, the 2018 Sara and Asa Shapiro Scholar in Residence at USC Shoah Foundation’s Center for Advanced Genocide Research, talks about the changing attitudes about witness testimony and how the process of gathering it has changed since the end of World War II.
presentation, discussion, lecture, cagr, mickey shapiro, sara shapiro / Tuesday, April 24, 2018
The virtual reality film about Holocaust survivor Pinchas Gutter won for best branded 360 video and took home a People's Voice award for best narrative experience in the online film and video category.
the last goodbye / Tuesday, April 24, 2018
In this clip from Haiastan Terzian's testimony, she describes how she was in hiding with several other Armenians in the American Consulate during the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian Genocide, Armenian Genocide survivor, AFF / Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Rare primary-source photographs that focus on the life and culture of the Armenian people before the Armenian Genocide and the resiliency among the ensuing diaspora have been integrated into USC Shoah Foundation’s award-winning IWitness educational website. The addition comes thanks to a new partnership with Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives, whose mission is to collect, document, preserve, and present the historic and modern photographic record of Armenians and Armenian heritage.
/ Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Frieda E. Roos van Hessen was born on April 24, 1915 – the day the Armenian Genocide started – and survived the Holocaust by going into hiding in her native Netherlands. This week, she turned 103 surrounded by friends and neighbors at the same place she celebrates every year: the Olive Garden restaurant.
/ Wednesday, April 25, 2018
In this clip from Frieda Roos van Hessen's testimony, the opera singer and Holocaust survivor recalls her ill-fated attempt at a career in the diamond business when she was an 18 year-old music student.
clip, holocaust survivor, female / Thursday, April 26, 2018
USC Shoah Foundation’s documentary about the 1937 Nanjing Massacre tells the story through the lens of a survivor’s relationship with her granddaughter and great-grandson.
GAM, Nanjing Massacre, The Girl and The Picture / Thursday, April 26, 2018
One student listened to the testimonies of those imprisoned at an internment camp. Another wrote about people stranded in the middle of the ocean attempting to escape the genocide in the Congo. Two others will act out a scene where two inmates of a concentration camp dream of the food they would eat if they were elsewhere. The class will read excerpts of the 10 plays at the Parkside Performance Cafe 3 p.m. Friday.
DITT, Diversity and Inclusion Through Testimony / Thursday, April 26, 2018
Out of concern for their physical safety, four of the five interviewees remained anonymous and were filmed in silhouette. The fifth, 31-year-old Martha Nyawal James, recounted her extraordinary story of survival.
GAM, South Sudan / Monday, April 30, 2018
Christopher R. Browning (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 2018 Sara and Asa Shapiro Scholar in Residence “Holocaust History and Survivor Testimony: The Case of the Starachowice Factory Slave Labor Camp” March 29, 2018
cagr / Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Julien Zarifian (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) 2017-2018 Visiting Fulbright Scholar  “The United States and the Question of the Armenian Genocide” April 19, 2018
cagr summary / Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Judith Leiber, a Holocaust survivor whose talent for making whimsical handbags took both the fashion and art worlds by storm, died Sunday in her New York home.
Judith Leiber, obituary / Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Genocide Awareness Month shines a light on the Central African Republic and the testimony of Alain Lazaret, a witness to the conflict pitting Muslims against Christians.
GAM, Central African Republic / Tuesday, May 1, 2018
In this clip from Alain Lazeret's testimony, he explains why the predominantly Christian country of the Central African Republic is a target for attack by Islamic extremists.
clip, car / Tuesday, May 1, 2018
