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USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education welcomed Eyal Kaminka, the newly-appointed director of the International School for Holocaust Studies (ISHS) of Yad Vashem, to its offices on July 26 for a discussion about the ways that the two organizations cooperate and partner in a variety of educational programs.
yad vashem, echoes and reflections, ishs, kori street, eyal kaminka / Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Seventy-seven years ago today, the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games commenced in Germany. Memories of the XI Olympiad loom large in many Holocaust survivors’ minds: 171 testimonies in USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education’s Visual History Archive (VHA) mention the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games.
olympics, sports, jesse owens, diane jacobs, endre altman, frances jones, hitler, Berlin / Thursday, August 1, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation recently convened its second Teaching with Testimony for the 21st Century seminar in the Czech Republic. Held July 8-12 at the Malach Center for Visual History in Prague, the program attracted educators from throughout the country and also from neighboring Slovakia.
Czech Republic, TWT, professional development, education, iwitness, Martin Smok / Friday, August 2, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation gave a presentation today about the use of survivor testimony and its educational website IWitness at California State University, Long Beach. The presentation was part of CSU Long Beach’s weeklong Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust. The workshop provides Holocaust curriculum development training for high school teachers.
education / Monday, August 5, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation was visited Friday by Dr. Nanci Adler, head of the Holocaust and Genocide Studies program at the University of Amsterdam.  
Nanci Adler, visit, visitor / Tuesday, August 6, 2013
The Jewish Museum in Prague has teamed with USC Shoah Foundation to provide a new testimony-based lesson plan for teachers in the Czech Republic. The lesson, “International Committee of the Red Cross and Terezín,” is about the Terezín ghetto and its use as a source of Nazi propaganda in a 1944 International Red Cross report.
lesson, terezin, Theresienstadt, ghetto, education, red cross, Jewish Museum, Prague, Maurice Rossel, vha / Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Sixteen art and design students from around the world were chosen as winners of this year’s “Keeping the Memory Alive” International Poster Design Competition. The competition is supported by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), Yad Vashem, London Jewish Cultural Centre, European Shoah Legacy Institute, 2014 Canadian IHRA Chairmanship, and Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Program.
contest, kim simon, ihra / Thursday, August 8, 2013
Фонд Шоа Університету Південної Каліфорнії глибоко вражений новиною про раптову смерть Дмитра Гройсмана, українського правозахисника та інтерв’юера Фонду. Гройсман помер у понеділок 5 серпня від серцевого нападу після довгої хвороби, як про це повідомив його колега Максим Буткевич. Йому було 41.
interviewer, Ukraine, Dmytro Groisman / Thursday, August 8, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation is saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Dmytro Groisman, Ukranian human rights activist and USC Shoah Foundation interviewer. Groisman died Monday of a heart attack after a long illness, according to his colleague Maksym Butkevych. He was 41.
Dmytro Groisman, interviewer / Thursday, August 8, 2013
A new documentary tells the story of Nicholas Winton, a British stockbroker who saved the lives of 669 Czechoslovakian children through the Kindertransport in 1939. Audiences in Los Angeles have a unique opportunity to see the film and meet Dave Lux, one of the children he saved, this Sunday.
Nicholas Winton, kindertransport, screening / Friday, August 9, 2013
Scholastic is joining forces with USC Shoah Foundation to promote IWitness and IWitness Video Challenge to teachers on its print and online platforms.
education, partnership, iwitness, scholastic / Monday, August 12, 2013
A delegation of USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education supporters and board members will travel to Hungary and Poland this October to commemorate the Institute’s 20th anniversary and learn more about its work in Eastern Europe.
/ Monday, August 12, 2013
Renowned Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer will visit USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education in November.
yehuda bauer, visitor, visiting scholar, lecture / Tuesday, August 13, 2013
A conversation with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
arne duncan, education, Stephen Smith, interview, DOE, technology / Thursday, August 15, 2013
V pražském Centru vizuální historie Malach byl ve dnech 8. - 12. července úvodním seminářem zahájen druhý ročník programu Svědectví pamětníků ve výuce pro 21. století. Letos se kromě učitelů z celé ČR účastnili i pedagogové ze Slovenska. 
TWT, teacher training, professional development, education / Friday, August 16, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation’s director of research and documentation, Karen Jungb
rwanda, education, kori street, karen jungblut, aegis / Friday, August 16, 2013
Liam Neeson will be attending USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education’s special 20th anniversary benefit screening of Schindler’s List that will be held in Philadelphia on Thursday, September 12.  Neeson played the starring role of German industrialist Oskar Schindler in the film, for which he received an Academy Award nomination.
screening, Liam Neeson, Schindler's List, Philadelphia / Wednesday, August 21, 2013
If participatory politics is the future, media literacy is a mustBy Henry Jenkins
academic, article, contributor, Henry Jenkins, participatory culture, Kony, media literacy / Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Staff and faculty at USC Shoah Foundation gathered Wednesday to view this year’s project from the 2013 UCLA Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)’s Research in Industrial Projects (RIPS) program.
ipam, research, presentation, mathematics, ucla / Thursday, August 22, 2013
Shani Lourie of Yad Vashem visited USC Shoah Foundation Thursday in order to learn more about USC Shoah Foundation and its mission and to receive in-depth training on the principles and strategies for developing activities within IWitness.
yad vashem, iwitness, partnership, shani lourie, education, Claudia Wiedeman / Friday, August 23, 2013
International educators discuss testimony-based educationA conversation with Werner Dreier, Alice Herscovitch, and Karen PolakBy Kori Street
interview, kori street, alice herscovitch, karen polak, dreier, testimony, ihra, holocaust, education / Monday, August 26, 2013
Steven Spielberg, founder of Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, will present the Foundation’s annual Ambassadors for Humanity Award to President William Jefferson Clinton on February 17, 2005 in Los Angeles.
afh2005, afh, event, gala, Bill Clinton, Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, Doug Greenberg / Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Holocaust survivor Leon Leyson passed away this January, but his story of survival as the youngest boy on Oskar Schindler’s “list” will live on in his new memoir, The Boy on the Wooden Box: How the Impossible Became Possible…on Schindler’s List, which was officially released today.
Leon Leyson, book, schindler jew, childhood, memoir / Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Holocaust Museum Houston wrapped up a four-day Echoes and Reflections seminar for Holocaust museum educators today. The seminar focused on how to support the educators' capacity to deploy Echoes and Reflections professional development in their local regions.
education, echoes and reflections, professional development, teacher training / Friday, August 30, 2013
Brandon Haas has had opportunities to work with IWitness as a practicing secondary teacher and as a participant in the Master Teacher Program. As a doctoral student of education at the University of South Florida he analyzed various cutting-edge technological tools designed for classroom use and teacher education. IWitness was one of them.
iwitness, education, teacher, teacher training, technology / Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A gyűjteményben jelenleg közel 52 ezer videó látható, amelyek holokauszt-túlélők és szemtanúk, valamint a ruandai népirtás túlélőinek és szemtanúinak vallomásait rögzítik. Az anyagok a George W. Schaeffer Foundation jóvoltából 2013 őszétől érhetőek el az Egyetemen. További információ:
ELTE, full access, hungary / Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Laszlo Csatary, a former Nazi commander and the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s third Most Wanted Nazi War Criminal, died August 12 while awaiting trial in Budapest. He was 98.
hungary, nazi, visual history archive / Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Ten Rwandan testimonies from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive are the latest additions to IWitness, USC Shoah Foundation’s interactive educational website.
iwitness, rwanda, testimony, visual history archive / Thursday, September 5, 2013
Kay Andrews, a lecturer at the Institute of Education’s Centre for Holocaust Education, University of London, discusses how testimony is bringing the authentic survivor voice to Holocaust education in the United Kingdom.
visual history archive, testimony, pastforward / Monday, September 9, 2013
UCLA emeritus professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History Richard Hovannisian will meet with staff at USC Shoah Foundation on September 17.
lecture, Armenian, testimony, Hagopian / Tuesday, September 10, 2013
