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Vladka Meed remembers how children were smuggled out of the Warsaw ghetto. Some parents even left their babies on the steps of churches in order for them to be saved.
clip, vladka meed, female, jewish survivor, children / Thursday, November 14, 2013
The University of Toronto now has access to the Visual History Archive. Over 2,800 testimonies are from survivors living in Toronto and other parts of Canada.
visual history archive, toronto, access / Thursday, November 14, 2013
The 10-part Echoes and Reflections series continues with Lesson 9: Perpetrators, Collaborators and Bystanders
echoes and reflections, education, teaching, visual history archive, testimony, holocaust / Friday, November 15, 2013
Among her many accomplishments as (to name a few) a USC Levan Institute undergraduate scholar, intern at KAYA Press, singer in the USC Collegium early music program and USC Shoah Foundation intern, Orli Robin has a particularly unique bragging right.
She’s the first student to begin work on USC’s brand-new Resistance to Genocide minor.
/ Monday, November 18, 2013
Dorothy Abend remembers the deportation from Bialystok Poland to a force labor camp in Vologda, Russia. She reflects on the horrible conditions of the cattle train trip, which lasted three weeks.
clip, jewish survivor, female, déportation, dorothy abend / Monday, November 18, 2013
The Haverford School and Main Line Reform Temple – Beth Elohim will host workshops for teachers and students to learn about IWitness, USC Shoah Foundation’s educational website that uses testimony to teach via engaging multimedia-learning activities.
iwitness, education, workshop, kori street / Monday, November 18, 2013
Free and open to the public, monthly Institute visits give guests a chance to explore the life stories of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides and to discover how their memories are being used to overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry.
/ Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Contest challenges secondary school students to honor the legacy of Schindler’s List by engaging in community service inspired by survivors’ testimonies and showcasing their action in an IWitness video essay.
/ Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Miriam Aviezer was just a child when she was separated from her mother and deported to Stara Gradiska concentration camp. She remembers the other children on the cattle train car ride and felt thankful that she was not alone.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Miriam Aviezer, children, déportation / Tuesday, November 19, 2013
TNT is presenting sponsor with host Jon Stewart, special guest Sandra Bullock and a musical performance by Norah Jones
/ Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Rwandan Tutsi genocide testimonies integrated into USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive
/ Friday, April 19, 2013
Screenings will debut in Philadelphia, highlighting the re-opening of the city's iconic Prince Music Theater
/ Thursday, July 25, 2013
Welcome to Through Testimony, the official blog of USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education.
op-eds / Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Two USC Cinematic Arts professors, a former Student Voices winner and two independent filmmakers will judge this year’s Student Voices Short Film Contest.
student voices, visual history archive, student film / Tuesday, November 19, 2013
In November 1945 the trials of leading German officials before the International Military Tribunal began in Nuremberg, Germany. Fred Baer remembers attending the Nuremberg Trials and how the court was assembled by the allied nations.
clip, male, war crimes trial, Fred Baer, nuremberg trial / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Александр Исаакович Гельман описывает условия жизни в гетто, организованным оккупационными властями в Бершади, Винницкой области, во время войны.
clip, male, jewish survivor, portal / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Александр Исаакович Гельман, российский драматург, писатель, сценарист, публицист, общественный и политический деятель, родился в 1933 г. в Дондюшанах, Бессарабии (тогда Румыния, теперь Молдова). Когда летом 1941 года началась война, Дондюшаны, к тому времени входившие в состав присоединенной к Советскому Союзу Бессарабии, были оккупированы румынскими войсками, союзниками фашистской Германии. Евреев города собрали в колонну и депортировали, под конвоем румынских солдат, на восток, через Днестр. По дороге умерли новорожденный брат Александра Володя и бабушка Цюпа.
full / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Интервью записано 31 марта 1997 года в г. Минске, Беларусь.
clip, lesson, political repression / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Интервью записано 29 сентября 1997 года в г. Хайфа, Израиль.
Мордехай Бенционович Браун родился 10 августа 1923 г. в Варшаве, Польша, в семье Бенциона Брауна и Златы Шеманович. Отец был владельцем табачного киоска, мать – домохозяйкой; в семье было восемь детей. Отец молился и посещал синагогу, семья соблюдала еврейские традиции. Помимо общеобразовательной школы Мордехай с трехлетнего возраста ходил в хедер, а в 1932 г. начал посещать вечернюю школу Поалей-Цион. Перед войной работал подмастерьем в переплетной мастерской.
clip, lesson, political repression / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Интервью записано 25 мая 1997 года в г. Одессе, Украина.
Георгий Александрович Татаровский родился 23 апреля 1926 г. в городе Одессе на Украине. Когда Георгию исполнилось три месяца, отец оставил семью и мать воспитывала его одна. Увлекался спортом, посещал кружок “Юный техник”, кораблестроительную и водолазную группы в Дворце пионеров, много читал. Окончил семилетку и первый курс мореходного училища.
clip, lesson, political repression / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Интервью записано 10 мая 1998 года в г. Горловка Донецкой области, Украина.
Анастасия Ивановна Казак (урожденная Воропай) родилась 20 апреля 1926 г. в городке Ворожба Белопольского района Харьковской (теперь Сумской) области, на Украине, в православной семье. Отец, Иван Родионович Воропай, работал стрелочником на железной дороге; мать, Пелагея Васильевна Читова, была домохозяйкой; в семье было семеро детей. Мать умерла от болезни в 1938 г. и отец женился во второй раз, но вскоре тоже умер, оставив детей на мачеху. Перед войной Анастасия окончила семь классов, была пионеркой.
clip, lesson, political repression / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Интервью записано 3 февраля 1998 года в г. Белгород-Днестровский Одесской области, Украина.
Федор Степанович Давиденко родился 15 апреля 1921 г. в селе Будаки Аккерманского уезда Бессарабской области Румынии (теперь с. Приморское Белгород-Днестровского района Одесской области, Украина), в православной крестьянской семье. С 1934 по 1938 год Федор посещал учительскую семинарию в Аккермане, а затем в г. Бакэу.
clip, lesson, political repression / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A three-day seminar will be held November 22-24 in Kyiv to train Ukrainian teachers of social sciences and humanities, university tutors of law and human rights activists on the use of a new multimedia teacher’s guide titled Where do Human Rights Begin: History and Contemporary Approaches.
Ukraine, teacher training, curriculum, visual history archive / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Dola Polland remembers when the Krakow (Cracow) ghetto was sealed off, which contained 70,000 Jews. Dola reflects on how the ghetto was divided into two different sections and how some Jews were forced to work for the Germans.
clip, female, jewish survivor, dola polland / Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Mohammed Dajani teaches about the Holocaust to Palestinians although he insists it is impossible to do so.
“In my class is a girl who was recently released from an Israeli jail. When I raised the subject of the Holocaust in class all she could say was, ‘I am still dealing with my own traumatic experiences, I am nowhere near ready to learn about this!’”
Dajani is unflustered by such push back.
GAM, Genocide Education, op-eds / Thursday, November 21, 2013
Charles Horskey was hired by the White House in November 1962, as an advisor to President John F. Kennedy. Charles reflects on how he was given the job after returning from the Nuremberg Trials and describes all the various projects he accomplished.
clip, male, JFK, war crimes trial participant, Charles Horsky / Thursday, November 21, 2013
Abbie Akst remembers when the Nazis occupied his hometown in Poland in 1939. Abbie reflects on the restrictions imposed onto Polish Jews by the Nazis including wearing a yellow patch.
clip, male, jewish survivor, abbie akst, poland, yellow star / Thursday, November 21, 2013
The 10-part Echoes and Reflections series concludes with Lesson 10: The Children.
echoes and reflections, holocaust, children, teaching, visual history archive / Thursday, November 21, 2013